18. a brother's love

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You ended up with a respectable score for the 50-meter dash, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't shake the sense that something was terribly wrong. Ever since you'd lined up next to that boy with the mismatched eyes, that was the feeling you got.

It seemed that his Quirk allowed him to create ice, and he deftly slid across the ice's surface in order to quickly clear the trial. Since you much preferred the cold over blistering heat, the slight chill in the air was rather pleasant. You couldn't fully enjoy it, though. You were much too preoccupied with examining the boy's expression, and despite the fact that it was rather stoic, the sadness seemed to reach his eyes.

You knew you probably shouldn't pry, especially when it wasn't any of your business, but you couldn't help but call out to him.

"Um... are you alright?" you asked worriedly.

He must not have realized you were even talking to him, because it took him a while to actually turn around. When he eventually did, his brows scrunched together just slightly, and he gave you a perplexed look.

"What?" he frowned. "Are you talking to me?"

You let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah... sorry if this comes across as nosy, but you look a bit sad. I was just hoping you were okay."

He clearly didn't seem to understand what you were on about, but you couldn't exactly explain that the scent of his blood had given you a troubling feeling. If you told him the full truth, he would probably just assume you were crazy.

His look of mild surprise quickly turned to disinterest, and he let out a soft sigh before walking away. "Just mind your own business," he mumbled-quietly enough that perhaps most people wouldn't have heard him, but it didn't escape your sharp senses.

Something's off. I know I shouldn't butt in, but he seems so sad that it's actually making me uncomfortable.

Naturally, pressing the matter any further would be insensitive, so you weren't going to do that. You just hoped that whatever he was dealing with, things would get better soon. Even though you got the sense that it was much more complex of an issue than you could even grasp.

Anyways, you needed to focus up and finish off the rest of the trials.

For the most part, you were able to breeze through them. Granted, some of your classmates scored very high on certain trials thanks to the unique capabilities of their Quirks, but your enhanced physical strength made you a good contender all around. You weren't going to place first in the class, but definitely not at the bottom either.

Honestly, as hard as you tried to only worry about yourself, you couldn't keep from glancing nervously towards Izuku every few minutes. You hated to admit it, but he looked like he was really struggling. Since he couldn't use his Quirk without breaking his bones, he was probably saving it for one trial in particular and hoping to distinguish himself with an extremely high score.

The softball pitch was probably his best shot at doing that, and Izuku seemed to realize this as well. His expression was sullen as he gripped the softball in his trembling hand. You could see beads of sweat glistening on his forehead-most likely not from sheer physical exertion, but the stress of it all.

"Is Midoriya going to be okay?" Kaminari couldn't help but ask. "I feel like he hasn't been doing too well..."

"Of course not," Katsuki snapped. "He's a Quirkless fucking loser."

"Huh? Dude, what are you even talking about?"

"Yeah!" Uraraka chimed in. "You should've seen what he did during the entrance exam!"

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