21. video game mentor

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"Izuku's going to be okay, right?"

You stared down at the freckled boy with a worried expression. He was still unconscious, although he was now lying in a bed while hooked up to an IV. Recovery Girl was basically fuming. Apparently, Izuku had already gotten injured too many times within a short interval, so even her Quirk wasn't enough to heal him right away. He was going to need to slowly recover his strength over the course of the day.

"He's only just started attending U.A, and it's already his third time in the nurse's office!" Recovery Girl huffed, directing all of her anger towards All Might, who wasn't bothering to maintain his muscular form around her. She was one of the few people who knew about One For All, which also meant that she knew Izuku was his successor. The principal was aware of this as well, based on what All Might had told you.

"I'm sorry," All Might apologized, but this only riled up Recovery Girl even more.

"Don't apologize to me! You should have stepped in to stop the fight if you knew he would end up injuring himself to this extent." She eventually turned towards you, letting out a weary sigh. "Your friend will be fine, young lady. He hasn't suffered any permanent damage, but if things keep going this way, I can't say for sure what might happen in the future. All Might, you really need to stop indulging him, especially if he's your successor. For goodness' sake. Quirk aside, he seems to have inherited your recklessness as well."

All Might awkwardly scratched his head. "Yes... you're right. I have nothing to say in my defense. I wanted to take his feelings seriously since Young Bakugou was involved, and because of that, I hesitated."

"Hehe," you snickered. "All Might, you just got chewed out."

"[Name], now's really not the time," he sighed.


Recovery Girl furrowed her brows for a while longer, but for all her talk, it seemed like she couldn't fully stay angry at him.

"Whatever the case, you need to take care of him better," she said. "Become a proper mentor to this boy. Someone that he can always depend on. I'm glad he seems to have a friend who cares so much for him, at least. Although I still don't understand how she came to find out about your secret in the first place..."

All Might shot you a hasty glare, probably anticipating that you were going to blurt out that you were a vampire from a different world. "There were, um... complicated circumstances," he eventually settled upon.

"That's right," you nodded, cracking a small grin. "One might even call them otherworldly circumstances. Hehe."

Visibly perplexed, Recovery Girl gave you a curious look, and All Might couldn't help but facepalm.

People sure seemed to do that a lot around you, huh.

You'd already changed out of your hero costume a little while ago, and after waiting for a bit longer, Izuku eventually woke up. By now, classes were already over. He'd missed out on the rest of the battles your classmates had undergone, but you had a pretty good memory and were determined to fill him in on all of them. Some had been pretty impressive. That Shouto guy had won his trial all on his own by freezing the whole damn building.

"[N-Name]," Izuku mumbled, bleary green eyes slowly opening. "What... happened?"

"We won," you grinned. "Don't you remember? You were able to hold Katsuki off and fight him one-on-one. After you used your Quirk to blast a hole through the middle of the building, I eventually fought off Iida and secured the weapon. You did such a good job! I wouldn't have been able to win if I didn't have you as my partner."

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