Chapter 51: Jason Hendrix

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Thank you for the continued support in this sequel! I want to give a shout out to some new consistent readers:




As well as my tried and true readers:



My first book has reached over 4 thousand views, and this one is off to a good start. Thank you and please enjoy!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

I did it. I had sex with an angel. During June's menstrual cycle I had plenty of time to mentally prepare myself for what I needed to do. Mary and I agreed that June couldn't remain a virgin. It was an unnecessary risk, and initially I was excited to alleviate that problem. It was actually surprising that I still hadn't gotten to her by that point anyway. As the days went by, however, I began to realize that I wasn't going to lay with any average human. She had the soul of an angel, and that soul was saturated in ancient magic. It was strong enough to turn her blood into that of an angel's, so I had no idea what else she could be capable of.

I had also made a deal with that holy flower. I couldn't intentionally cause June harm or death. I had no idea whether that meant causing her pain during sex would count or not, and if it did, what would happen to me? My mind circled with these questions becoming more and more ridiculous while left unchecked. What if having sex with her makes me unable to get it up anymore? What if I thrust too hard and I just die on the spot? What if the angel community found out and swore vengeance against me?

When sharing these concerns with Mary, she would calmly listen then logically refute my fears. In the end I came to the conclusion that there was going to be some risk, but leaving her as she was would only raise questions and attract unwanted attention. I also wanted to take her. I could have had anyone take her virginity, but I wanted it to be me. I wanted to take her first, just as that damned dryad took her first kiss. I wanted her to always remember me, and I wanted to see her face when I finally conquered her. So the decision was both sensible and entirely selfish.

I didn't hesitate when I discovered her cycle had finally finished, and I was just planning to quickly get it over with and move on with my day, but her tears caught me off guard. I had been so focused about getting me in the right mindset, that I didn't think about June's. Normally, I wouldn't care how a human felt about anything. Legally she was my property, and I had already made it clear that anything sexual was still within my rights to pursue when I made that deal with her. But she wasn't entirely human. I also didn't know how long we would be stuck together due to my blood dependency.

I had to take a step back. I didn't want to deal with June resenting me or jumping every time I entered the room. She needed to be on board, and she was typically logical with these kinds of things, but apparently not when it came to losing her virginity. No matter what reason I used she was resisting at every turn. She then started talking about love. That one stumped me. Sex and love were two separate things, and that is how everyone here in Vania saw it. I had heard that wild humans tended to have a romantic view of love having to be present in order to have sex, but that was childish and not how things were done here.

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