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Hope and Aiden were standing outside their house with the rest of their family as Klaus and Bonnie got in one car while Marcel left in the other, they saw both the cars driving out of the property line.

Mia pushes the kids and family inside the house before sealing the place so no outsider can see it, she walks into the house and locks the door before joining others in the living room where they all sat.

Hope and Aiden were cuddled up on a loveseat with a blanket around them as they both were looking at the phone in Hope's hand while there was also music playing in the room that too was the twin's doings as it always helped them calm down.

It was the same every time Klaus or any of them left for any of their missions, Hope and Aiden both were on the edge when anyone from the family was out there in danger even when most of them were immortals and unkillable.

Everyone was talking among themselves about different stories when Hope gets an idea and gets out of the chair and heads up to her room, everyone looks at Aiden with raised eyebrows but he just shakes his head.

"I am not a mind reader," he tells them and snuggles more in the blanket while Hope was gone, she quickly comes back and joins the others, she goes straight towards the TV and puts in the CDs that had the memories of her and Aiden's childhood in them.

Hope quickly takes the remote and goes back to where Aiden was waiting for her "Anyone wants to see our childhood videos?" Hope asks and almost everyone agrees, Hayley who was sitting beside Aiden looks at him and he just smiles at her.

"You'll love it!" he assures her but Hayley still had her doubts, Hope pushes the play button and she and Aiden's first birthday video starts playing, it shows Mia first who points the camera on Klaus who was trying to get the twins ready while both kids were busy kicking and running.

It was not normal for a one-year-old to run but there was nothing normal with Hope or Aiden, they both were supernatural, two of the strongest creatures in existence, Hope was using her magic to make objects float in the air as they both laughed.

In Video:

Klaus groans as he catches the bottle of moisture Hope threw with her magic, he playfully glares at the kids who just give him a wide grin in return "Dadda! Dadda! Dadda!" both kids start yelling together as they both where put on the floor and they ran to where they knew the cake was.

"Wait, I am coming too, come on Nik," Mia says as she follows behind the twins, both kids enter the living room and they see their older brother standing there setting the table with gifts and everything.

Marcel turns and smiles at the kids who run straight in his arms "Oh I missed you, little guys!" Marcel says as he spins the kids in arms and all three of them were laughing loudly "Slow down, Marcel, they're just kids," another man who was standing with two men and one woman laugh.

"Sorry I just got too excited," Marcel says and stops as both Klaus and Mia also come to stand beside Marcel, Klaus takes the kids in his arms before going to the cake and Marcel stands beside him while others along with Mia stand in front of these four.

Klaus holds Aiden's hand with a wooden knife just like Marcel and Hope, they both bend down as others start singing the happy birthday song while Marcel and Klaus smile as they help the kids cut their cake.

The video continues with smiles and giggles as they spend the night together, they all take pictures of each other, and the kids, both Hope and Aiden were at their full strength the whole night.

Video Ends:

"Oh my god, how stressful that day was!" Mia says as she looks at Marcel who nods in agreement "Hope and Aiden were out of control that day, they were so happy and excited for the party that they didn't sleep at all the whole day," Mia adds and everyone smiles.

"We don't remember anything, all we know or saw is from the videos Mia used to film," Aiden says and Hope nods.

"Klaus used to hate it at first but then he got used to it and just accepted that I won't stop filming because of his rude behavior," Mia tells them and they all laugh as they recalled Klaus's grumpy face.

"Remember the first time we went to the waterpark," Hope says excitedly, Aiden also gets excited at the mention of the incident but Mia groans "Max clearly told me that day that he is lucky that he is a vampire and can't have kids," Mia says and both Hope and Aiden roll their eyes.

"We'll have a talk with Uncle Max," Aiden says as Kol and Elijah's heart drop because they didn't get the chance to be called uncle by either Hope or Aiden at all while others have the title of 'uncle' that should've been theirs.

"Max as in the vampire Maxton, the vampire who is one of Klaus's most trusted men?" Rebekah asks and Hope looks at her aunt and nods "Uncle Max, Uncle Liam, and Aunt Bella helped Dad just as much as Mia," Hope nods as she informs about others too.

"They are here for important days while the rest they are away for work," Aiden adds and finds another CD to put in the TV "It's been so long since we've all been together, Mia, when is everyone returning?" Hope asks Mia who smiles at the girl.

"We were going to have a trip next weekend with others before you two left for school again but I don't think we're going to follow with the plan now, and maybe we do, or maybe next time," Mia informs the girl who gets sad after hearing this.

The whole family sees a few more videos of the twin's childhood before it's time for lunch after having their lunch Mia and Caroline along with Elijah and Kol help the twins train for the day before they all head to rest for a few hours.


MY HEIRS (ON HOLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora