Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Super Harley and I'm a good son?

(A/N; trying new ways of writing, Yes I'm alive, If only barely.)

Location: Daniel's Apartment.
POV: 1st person's POV
Time: 8:05 Am

Harley jumped from wall to wall flipping over Daniel who was doing a half-assed job of stopping the new superhuman Catwoman from destroying his house that took him all night to clean.

"Look, look, Daddy, I feel so much lighter." The ecstasy she was feeling couldn't be described in mere words, her form turned blurry as her speed increased drastically now she was leaving a blurry trail as she sped around.

Daniel sighed at his current situation, as a blurry figure ran around him offsetting his once tidy living room Harley having the time of her life.

"Enough!" Daniel stretched his arms and caught her by her top collar stopping her in her tracks, a fatigued sigh escaped Daniel's lips.

The now restrained Superhuman had her heart beating a thousand miles per second and as she was about to say something a look from Daniel made her swallow her words in a nervous chuckle.

"Urgh, Hey Daddy."

The former queen of crime took a look around the house seeing the destruction she had caused she didn't need her new cat instinct to let her know she had fucked up.


Harley knelt in front of Daniel with a massive red mark on her ass, She wore one of Daniel's oversized shirts that did nothing to hide her ass or the slap mark "I'm sorry Daddy" She chorused for the umpteenth time.

"It's fine, Instead we have more pressing issues"

Daniel folded his arms while staring down his calculating red eyes scanning the new superhuman like she was a piece of meat he wanted to cut open... Again,

The predatory gaze made Harley somewhat turned on, wanting to give into his desires on a whim, Something Daniel didn't know was now that she had a similar feline physique to his, any of his acts that portrayed dominion over her was a big turn on, In short, she was his bitch.

"Like how you suddenly have Catwoman abilities." Daniel wanted to pin this on the Joker but he seriously doubted that the Joker had a way to create superhumans even if he did would he use Harley?

"I don't know I swear, All I know is this morning before I woke up to meet you in the sitting room I was fine, But after you fucked the shit out of me I wasn't," Harley said all she knew he was already angry at her for trashing the room she didn't want to keep anything from him and make things worse at this point not that she could.

'Is this my system ability?  It's not far-fetched if I can copy abilities can't I also paste them?' Daniel decided to observe further Harley was even more confused about the issue than he was 'As long as she's safe.' He concluded that as long as she was safe her new strength could help him a lot as a hidden trump card.

"It's fine, But I need to know how this feels from your point of view." Daniel wanted her to explain how she felt from the sudden power boost and also take the time to see if the power would go to her head.

"I feel how do I put this, Stronger in a sense of the word, But my major advantage is in my speed, flexibility and Agility, my thoughts are so fucking fast making it seem like everything is a bit slower, but" Daniel could understand her excitement it was nothing compared to his when he flew for the first time.

"But?" Daniel waited for her to continue.

"This power is leagues above me from a day ago, yet it falls behind the big guns like the Justice League, Is this how insignificant I was before?" Harley questioned her voice and excitement died for a split second her previous character was humbled by the workings of things put to light.

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