Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: This isn't good

"At least he's Alive."

Barbara sat on the bed, In the end, she couldn't go fighting around Gotham due to her current state of mind she was phone with one of her closest friends Zatanna, Zatanna didn't have much to say after Barbara narrated her story to her, But Zatanna's reply wasn't what Barbara wanted to hear.

"Is that all you have to say?"

Barbara needed advice or someone to tell her what she did was normal, She didn't need someone to tell her she was wrong, she already knew that.

"Barbs, You called him a rich kid fuckboy, He is one of the calmest and person I know who is rich, powerful and popular yet he still acts normal and not egotistic and proud He is the ONLY person I know that is like that"

Barbara winced as Zatanna continued talking.

"He has never tried any flirting or getting touchy with me, He even avoids physical contact, And I had been 1on1 with him in his villa all alone knowing how weak I'd be if he stopped me from being able to speak, even though if he tried-"

Barbara frowned this was heading in a direction she didn't like; Zatanna sounded needy at that moment.

'Does she want Daniel to force her into doing something?'

"Look I'm sorry, Okay I was just-,"

Zatanna didn't let Barbara finish as she interrupted her "I'm not sure there should be an excuse for you, You do know you were the closest to him right?"

Before Barbara could say anything Zatanna finished "I don't know what he was like before Bruce adopted him but I can guess it's probably because of experiences like this that caused it, can you at least tell me what made YOU as an expert detective to jump to THAT conclusion"

"Anyway, I'm in the middle of extorting  down some demonic spirits, See you tomorrow in school, Try to get some rest."

Zatanna ended the call and got on the phone with Karen hoping Karen would help.

"Damn, Girl, you did him hard"

Karen laughed, She hadn't been feeling too well since Daniel's birthday she felt different but she summed it up to what happened after he left knowing he was awake now made her feel better, It wasn't like she liked Daniel.

"I know that!"

Karen didn't expect Barbara to lose her mind and say something like that to her best friend, So she teased her and laughed at Barbara's guilty aggressive voice.

"Calling him a rich kid fuckboy too, Haha! I wouldn't be surprised if he ignores you till the end of the year."

Barbara flinched at that, Was she okay with him ignoring her?

'No, No, Absolutely not.'

"I don't need you to laugh, I need you to tell me what to do"

Barbara was frustrated, This was the perfect time for her to realize none of her friends knew what to do when it came to apologizing or romance.

"You're asking the wrong person for love advice, Mal and I are still like oil and water, Tiktok relationship advice is trash don't go there for help."

Karen sighed, She was having her love issues too, Her crush Malcolm was suddenly giving her the cold shoulder because she accepted Daniel's invitation to his company.

"He still doesn't want to work with Danny?"

Barbara asked since she knew the reason why, Karen sighed and declared

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