Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Clash Of Gods

What is failure? Isn't that solely for people who give up?- Genesis

Next Day
Narrators Pov

Daniel ended up calling Harley back to his room, The crazy girl pretended to be uninterested but she lost the will to continue after Daniel teased her a bit, they eventually ended up fucking like rabbits in different styles, and like always, The first few rounds were the best feeling Harley had ever felt, But deeper into it, Her superhuman physical abilities lost to Daniel's near transcendent abilities, And she tired out, but he didn't.

She ended up being abused sexually till morning but she liked it, Daniel still felt energetic, But Harley was out cold, and a mix of her and Daniel's sweat and juices stained the bed, The room was upside down due to how heated their session got, but Daniel cleaned it with magic, leaving the room with neat shape.

Strange part...  Ivy watched the whole thing from start to finish, She also slept with Harley on the bed.

Omniscient POV

'Life is easier with cheat-like abilities.'

Daniel walked into the room where he cast his most powerful Talk no Jutsu skill variant Bullshit no Jutsu, Making the Young Justice love him instantly, He believed it was called their Entertainment room.

He met only Cassie chugging down a bottle of water, she wore gym clothes, mainly a red long-sleeve track top with a zipper and the Wonder Woman Logo in a broad display on her chest, Her blue shorts tightly clenched to her lower body.

Daniel could see that although she was underdeveloped in some areas, mainly the chest department she had a killer body and thighs.

'Do all demigoddesses here lack big boobs or something?'

Although all it took was a single glance for Daniel to scan her from head to toe and make his conclusion, He ignored the demigod and focused on going to the fridge to get some snacks.

"Hey, you're up"

Cassie greeted Daniel when he passed her and stood by the fridge.


Daniel got a bottle of water and a protein bar then decided to head to the training grounds while not paying attention to the demigod beside him.

"So you're a demigod too?"

Cassie followed behind him sparking a conversation.

"Well yeah, You could say it like that."

Daniel nodded thinking the title quantum demigod sounded nicer than just demigod, But it was still Imperfect.

"So what can you do? You took down Captain Atom some days ago while destroying the Training room Cyborg only finished fixing it yesterday."

Cassie was amazed by his power, She knew he was stronger than he was letting out, but she didn't know he was that strong.

Even the feeling she got from him when they first met had intensified.

[A/N: Daniel got that divine rizz]

Daniel thought she was just feeling horny, but he knew it was most likely her divine senses tingling beside him.

'What is my divinity?'

He knew he had formed his divinity but he didn't know what it was, Diana represented peace and truth so her divinity was based there but he had no idea what he was.

'Imagine finding out it has to do with some kind of sexual domination kink, God of Sex.'

Daniel shook his head, he liked sex but he wasn't going to base his life around it... That came out wrongly.

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