Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The Fall of a Clown

"Can ya remind me why we're doing this again Daddy?"

Harley whined while watching Gotham Clouded by yellowish gases, The spread of fear toxin happened at night when normal folks were unaware and unprepared but Daniel already anticipated that and brought Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy away from Gotham far above the cloud they were far from the reach of Scarecrow's toxins, He knew Harley had a toxin immunity but he was playing safe and she had her cyber gas mask in hand.

"Remind me how we are doing this"

Ivy clung to Harley She tried to look just like Harley did since Harley didn't look to be scared of heights Instead Harley had a grin on her face, Taking another look down Ivy could feel herself standing, She wasn't levitating because she could feel her body as if she was on the actual ground, Which made her even more afraid but as an all-powerful self-proclaimed mother of the earth, Gaia, Ivy tried to remain calm.

'This is far above my plant's reach.'

"We aren't levitating I can't wrap my head around power bestowal... Yet, Please try to cling to me falling from this height could be deadly."

Ivy was latched onto his hand in a second, making Harley chuckle, She was already clinging on to Daniel in the first place.

"What are you laughing at?"

Harley just laughed louder at her best friend.

"It's jus ya scared of heights... Stupid!"

"Aren't you scared of heights?" Daniel took his eyes off Gotham to face Harley and asked.

"Yah, I'm terrified of heights!." Harley yelled while Ivy frowned with a pout.

"Then why are you laughing at me if we're in the same case?"

"Well, You see the white-haired cutie here do you think he's gonna let me fall from this height?" Harley admitted she was only so calm because Daniel was beside her.

"He isn't some kind of saviour, If he was he wouldn't be up here with villains like us."

Ivy spat, she didn't hide the fact she didn't like him.


Daniel tilted his head in a mocking smile.

"Who said I was a hero?"

Daniel never saw himself as a hero, He was far from it, He was the closest thing to a nice villain, he wasn't necessarily evil, and He didn't have any thoughts of world domination or world peace, As someone who was raised in a mafia he only wanted to do what he wanted freely.

"Then why do you go around in a kiddy costume saving people? Did daddy abandon you as a child?" Ivy mocked while Daniel laughed.

"Yes, but I'm not a hero, I'm a businessman If I want to save people I'll do it,  If I want to kill them all I will, I do things to make me feel good."

As hypocritical as he sounded he didn't have any reason to help anyone, He had only one goal right now and it was to survive.

'And enjoy all this life has to offer ' Daniel looked at Ivy hungrily as she glared at him from the side of her eyes.

"So Heya sugar," Harley called out while looking down on Gotham.

"Yes dear/Yes babe"

Daniel turned over to Ivy who blushed but still glared at him.

'Should I be angry or should I invite her this evening?'

"I'm talking to my sugar with a dick."

Sinful life in DC universeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora