Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Fall of a clown

The Joker was running frantically turning around searching the dark abandoned building while he ran as fast as he could outside, A premonition that whatever was staring at him from the darkness would be the beginning of his end.

"Stop doing that, Ya scaring the shit outta me!"

Joker commanded.

"Get behind me satan."

Joker found the opportunity to laugh at his joke, but Daniel in the shadows finally caught up and grabbed Joker by the back of his neck.

"Well, I have a stunning joke to share."

Daniel's voice brought chills into the Joker's ear, his environment reacted to the bloodlust he was releasing, and sweat ran down the back of the Joker as he could involuntarily feel the hatred Daniel had for him.

" The Jester had his Quinn snatched from him, no one knows yet- But we are working on a better punchline."

Daniel laughed but Joker wasn't, what Daniel meant was he was going to take his dear Punchline away from him too.

"That's a terrible joke."

Joker spat drily.

*Pah* *Thud*

Daniel backhanded him to the chin with his terrifying strength, Joker was tossed backwards crashing into a wall.

"I did say it was a stunning joke."

Daniel watched as the Prince of crime couldn't manage to stand up after being slapped like that.

"HaHaHa! You know I see a lot of myself in you."

Joker grinned while Daniel walked towards him slowly, Joker's eyes spun and he saw more than one silhouette approaching him.

"I try my best."

Daniel weakly kicked Joker across the face, Although he didn't have any force behind the kick; to the Joker It felt like he was smacked across the face with a metal bat.

"That's for trying to kill my girlfriend with a bombing tactic."

Daniel pulled the Joker's hair to make him come face-to-face with him, raising his left fist Daniel punched him behind the ears.


"That's for trying to kill me"

Daniel punched him again

"That's because you make the colour green look like shit."

Using stupid reasons Daniel punched and disfigured the Joker's face till he was satisfied, so much of the Joker's blood was on his face and clothes but he didn't seem to be bothered.

Daniel would have killed Joker long ago but Batman, Robin, Batgirl even Harley and Ivy stood in the shadows watching him, but none of them tried to stop him or even said a word.

Instead of killing the Joker as he intended, Daniel decided to put on a show, to make everyone think he had settled the score with the Joker.

Joker managed to stay awake throughout all of the punches because Daniel wouldn't let him fall unconscious.

"The last one is for Todd."

Daniel got up and kicked Joker away, Now he could find and kill the Joker whenever he wanted to due to the tracking spell he had on him.

When he got up, he saw the pair of eyes staring at him, Harley had stars in her eyes while Ivy glared at him.

"Are you sure he's still alive?"

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