Chapter Nine

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Brooke had talked some sense into me, she told me we should go back. This time we would actually go back, but wear the wristbands at least respect the rules.

This time we had our actual Id's and I was nervous to see Grayson. I wasn't sure about Elijah, but I was willing to talk to Grayson. I couldn't get the fact out of my head that Elijah ate my pussy out.

He fucking ate my pussy and thought I would just get forget about it. There was also Grayson, I wondered if he knew. Did Elijah already tell him or is he oblivious to this whole thing? I doubt it, he has to know. It's both or nothing.

I was curious to know why it was both or nothing. I was also going to hope I can find someone else of interest. See if I see any other guys there. We held each other's hand as we went in.

There was a different guy checking Id's this time so we were lucky. He let us in, but we had to go through an extra process. It was long, but it was alright. I now had a purple wristband on, unlike the first time. We had to wait for Rayna to come through as well.

We stand in front of the reception desk waiting for Rayna to come and lead us through. Rayna came out in a short dress that would show off her whole panties if she bent over. Her chest was exposed and it was barely covering her boobs.

I guess today was her special occasion, she seemed extra razzle and dazzle.

"I see you came back," she smiles.

"We did," Brooke smiles.

She looks us up and down, then her eyes zone in on the wristbands. She narrowed her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

"Just sign in like last time."

She bends over the desk and just as I suspected. It rode up her body and surprisingly she wasn't wearing anything. She gets a clipboard and hands it to me. She also gives me a pen.

There was a list of names and I flipped the page and wrote my name under the last one. I handed the clipboard to Brooke. She wrote her name and gave it back to Rayna. She puts it back over the desk.

Rayna spins around and leads us to the Lounge area and it was busier than the last time. It was the weekend, so that had to explain it.

There were people on the stage, there was a whole orgy happening. Other groups were watching and doing their own things.

"Do not engage in anything, I forgot to mention that last time. You have to be a member for one and need a recent STD test," she says.

She was mostly watching me and I nodded my head. I had no idea what I was doing back here. I really need to put my foot down when it comes to this girl. I came back expecting something, but now I felt desperate.

I wandered around and watched a few people. I found it so interesting that they liked to be watched. Do they not feel uncomfortable?

I went to the bar and ordered a shot of vodka. I wasn't much of a drinker, but I needed something right now. I couldn't get a shot since I was underage, dumb fucking wristband. I hated this.

"You're not allowed to drink?" He asks.

A tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes was staring at me. He had tanned brown skin, but I was guessing he was Latino. He had his own glass of alcohol and that swirled in his cup. He got closer to me and I ignored it. He looks down at my wrist.

"Aren't you the curious type," he comments.

"Just a bit."

"You're new," he says.

"Sort of, I came by the other day."

"What's your kinks then?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I don't know what exactly I was into. I did enjoy having two pairs of hands on me. I look at the bar's counter top while trying to rack my brain for a lie.

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