Chapter Sixteen

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Waking up felt so shitty. I didn't even want to get out of my bed. I wanted to sleep in and enjoy the comfort of my sheets. Brooke was still fast asleep, while I had to wake my ass up.

I wanted to slap on sweats and call it a day, but because Elijah will see me that's a no for me. Technically I could he has seen me looking crazy though. I forced myself out of my bed and I seriously didn't want to wake up.

I got my things and made my way to the bathroom. I don't know why Elijah's class had to be at 11am. It couldn't have been later on in the day? I got ready and I didn't look that bad.

I was wearing black leggings and a white crop top with my crocs on. I didn't have the energy to be dressing up all nice. I met up with Keon, so we both would be there at the same time. Walking with him reminded me to ask him about Kennedy.

"You ain't gonna tell me nothing about Kennedy?"

"Oh shi, Yeahh. She's alright, she cant suck dick though shit fucking hurt."

"Maybe it was her first time, leave her alone,"

"I have had better from a girls first time."

"Besides that, what else?"

"Nun much, I wasn't tryna talk, nigga was trying to get his dick suck," he chuckled.

He ran his hands over his hair and I side eyed him. My other reason why I don't really wanna fuck with him. We were just friends and yeah I sucked his dick, but ehh. That put me off slightly, cause once Elijah, Grayson and me were done I would have been back on the Keon train.

Keon was cute, but man I can't stand niggas. I quickly switched up the conversation about how I hope we get our assignments back. I actually want to know what he gave me. I knew he would actually mark it properly instead of giving me a fake score.

I would hate to see a dam 18% or some shit on that. I would fucking cry. We were just about to enter our class and Keon made some stupid ass joke about Elijah, I couldn't help it and laughed.

"I'm serious, his old ass ain't getting pussy, walking with a stick up his ass every time!"

We walked in as he kept talking and Elijah obviously caught a few words as he was near the door. Elijah does act like ass in school, but oh well. Elijah looked between us and Keon shut up.

"Yo, Professor," Keon said.

The look Elijah gave Keon was too funny. He scowled at him and disregarded him.

"Heyy, Professor Jones."

I smiled at him and I used my soft sweet voice with him. He gave me a short hello and we walked up the steps.

"See what I'm saying, man has a stick up his ass!"

"Maybe he doesn't like you," I shrug.

We sat down in the middle row and we got organized. I set up my MacBook and I watched as people came in. Most of the girls say hi to him and they were all flirty with him. He didn't pay them much attention and just gave them an uninterested response.

"If I was him I would love my job, having all these girls wanting to flirt with me."

"Of course you would," I say.

"Who wouldn't, do you think he would fuck or has fucked one his students before?"

Keon turned to me and I looked at him as well. I looked at his lips and they were kissable ass lips. I looked at his eyes, then at Elijah. He was looking at me.

"Nahh, I know a student fucker when I see one. Had a teacher in highschool, who fucked some of the girls."

"Holy shit, It was the coach?"

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