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Six Months Later

I took a picture with the two girls at my side. They both had their arms around me smiling. They moved away and next was black girl with a curly afro. She handed me my book and I moved to the table stand and placed my book down.

"I love your book so much, I got so emotional on the chapter where it was her last time with Logan and Zane, but the scene after ateee," she said.

I got the pen on the table and I signed my name in the book. After every book I sign it feels like an accomplishment. I thought that I would never make it to this point and I did.

"I'm happy to hear that, everyone says that scene was emotional," I responded.

She hands her phone to one of the photographers and she comes next to me. We posed and took a picture. She smiled and thanked me again, leaving and onto the next person.

I shaked my head when I saw them both coming towards me. I didn't think they would have come, but obviously they did. I knew they were coming, but I was just still shocked a little.

"Ms, King I really enjoyed reading your book. Zane is my favorite character. Mean and cold," Gray said.

"Logan as well, at least he was the sweet one. The details though they were very detailed," Eli added.

"Oh just lemme sign my book and go," I laughed.

I moved my hair behind my ears and take the books from them. I put them on the table and I opened up Elijah's. I had to think about what I wanted to write for a second.

"You meant our book right," Elijah corrected.

"Oh whatever, our book."

I roll my eyes and they both gave me this amused smug look on the their face. Whatever! They like to tease me so damn much. Especially about how detailed I wrote our sex scenes.

I grabbed my pen signing my name in Elijah's book first, but instead of writing Iris. I wrote Princess, the little nickname he gave to me. I smiled as I wrote that, because this moment felt to surreal.

"Where is.. what's his-."

"You know his name stop acting stupid, he's in Dubai on a business trip," I answered.

"He's missed your first book signing?"

"We knew this would happen anyways, I'm fine with it. He plans to take me on a trip to Putero Rico, so I am perfectly fine with him being away."

I grabbed Gray's book and I signed my name as Angel in there as well. They both had a displeased look on their faces about the fact that he had missed my book signing, but I was fine with it.

"It's fine, because we are here anyways. We're the prize winners," Gray smirks.


"You know it's true Angel."

My heart skips a beat at him calling me Angel. He hasn't called me that in a while. I peered up at him as a strangeness mixed in my chest. Hearing him call me Angel just brought butterflies in me and just reminded me over everything we did together.

"That's what you think, but hurry up and get your picture and leave me alone," I say.

I gave them both their books back signed with my little nicknames in their for them. We went over and got our picture taken and in that moment, my life felt complete. I may have no longer be in a relationship with them, but every part of it felt real.

"Bye princess, we'll see you later."

"Bye Angel."

"Bye Eli, Bye Gray."

The feeling of us parting way aches in me and it resided in me. However is slowly dissipated as I remember where I am and how I got here. I smiled as I watched them walk away talking about our book. It was our book, it was our story.

The End


That's it. That's the end. I hope you guys enjoyed Owning Her!! I loved rewriting this! This ending makes me feel more content.

Okayyy so I have some thoughts about OH, pleaseee kindly interact, because I really am curious to know what you guys think!

What did you think? What did you didn't expect or did expect? Favorite moment or what you wish was in the book.

Are you surprised at the relationship outcome?

Opinions on the characters? What do you think of Gray and Elijah?
-Deal Breaker Question-
Do you think E & G groomed Iris in anyway?

I might possibly update extra chapters that I have in my drafts or write a scenario you guys request of me.

Thank you reading Owning Her, love you Shawty's! Make sure to check out my other books.

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