Chapter Sixty-Five

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I hugged them both one last time and I didn't want to let go. I actually realized how much I loved them just from a short amount of time. My therapist was right though, I was super attached to them. I didn't want to let go.

I pulled away from Elijah and he kissed me on the lips. I still had my arms wrapped around, but I had to let go. I pulled away from him and I took a step back.

"This is it," I say, pouting.

"Don't be too sad princess, you know you can always call us?" Elijah mentioned.

"It's not the same, but it's fine. Life is life, I'm gonna miss you," I say.

"Mee too, It's strange not having you around the house."

"I bet, you will find someone else who definitely won't be as whiny as me," I joke.

"You will be surprised princess."

"He's right, there are far worse than you," Gray interjected.

"Yeah whatever if you say so. Anyways don't miss your flight, you have to get going."

I gave Gray a hug and I got my kiss from him as well. I gave them one more hug for dramatics which made them laugh. I crossed my arms and stood near the gate as they were about drive off.

I felt my heart tug in my chest and I bit my bottom lip. I waved them as they drove off and I slowly turned back to go into the house. I felt my bottom lip quiver. I refuse to cry again! I walked up the steps going into the house.

I opened the door and my mom was standing near the door. She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes. I shut the door as my eyes began welling up with tears. I went to her as she opened her arms and embrassing me in a hug.

"Hush, hun. It will be alright."

I cried into her chest and I knew she was right. This was only temporary. I would get over them sooner or later. I'm still young and I have my whole life ahead of me. I appreciate them fixing my daddy issues or even making it worse. I still love and appreciate everything about them.

One Year Later

I sat at my desk writing up a recent chapter. I was taking a break on our book. It made me upset while writing, because I was constantly reminded of them. The last time I spoke to either of them was a few months ago, when they were checking up on my mom and me.

It was nice, but it still kinda left an odd feeling in my chest. I should have gotten over them in a year, but I haven't really. I was getting there slowly. I started talking to Jackson, so I guess I'm moving on.

I stared at my computer screen as I wanted to write for our book. I called it our book and yet they knew nothing about it. It was just a secret I kept to myself. I switched tabs going to word, so I could try at least write something.

I was working on Chapter Twenty, it was around the time I had gotten my period and Adam came after his game. It was funny writing out what happened that day. It just made me realize how stupid I was back then.

My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Hayley calling. I answered the phone and I put it on speaker.

"Hey, what's up," I said.

"Well basically, do you wanna go out tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind. I'm writing right now, so give me an hour or two and I will call you back?"

"Okay, Ms author. It's late night anyways take your time. Love ya."

"Love you too," I said.

She hangs up the phone and I go back to my typing. I was getting to the bit when I was with Grayson and his mom called that day. Remembering almost feels like yesterday, but almost cloudy in my brain. I smiled a little to myself. It's funny how things turned out, I wasn't expecting this outcome to be honest.

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