Chapter Fifty-Six

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I stared at the board behind Elijah not focusing on what he was talking about. He wasn't being boring at all, it was just my mind couldn't focus. I was trying to distract my mind from that night, but it just wasn't working.

It's been a few weeks, I thought I would have gotten over it by now, yet I always end up straying back to it. I hate it, I hate thinking about it, but I just can't forget.

"Anyways, that's the end of our lecture, it's due next Friday," he announced.

My eyes drifted away from the board and to him. I looked at him and he was packing his things up, but he glanced up at me. We started at each other for a moment, then he looked away from me.

"Yo, you good?" Ke asked.

"I'm fine," I murmured.

"You sure, you haven't written anything at all?"

I looked at my MacBook and it was blank. I hadn't taken any notes, written down any pages, key quotes, nothing. My screen was blank, I blinked for a second and I brushed it off. I shut my screen and glanced at him for a split second.

"I'm just tired, just give me your notes later and I will catch up," I said.

I picked up my bag from the ground and began putting all my stuff in there. I know for a fact I can just have Elijah catch me up later as well. Shawn didn't tell Keon about Elijah and Gray, which I am so grateful for. He doesn't know anything about what happened.

I'm pretty sure only Kaylen, Parker, Jordan, Shawn and Adam knows about them. I prefer like that anyway, the others didn't need to know. Keon was talking to me, but I wasn't listening. I was just nodding my head as we packed up our things.

We walked down the steps and I looked in Elijah's direction. He was talking to one of the girls again, she spoke to him a lot. I didn't like it, but it's his job and I didn't really need to be worried about anything.

I just missed when he would give me attention. He still does, but it isn't the same anymore. They will baby me and treat me like a delicate child, when I wasn't. They refuse to touch me any sexual way, which I don't even understand.

I have told them so many times, I'm fine, but to no avail they don't want to touch me. Maybe it's because they don't want to and I'm just not good enough for them anymore. I mean I-

"Iris, seriously are you good?" Keon said.

He nudged my arm and I blinked looking at him. We were at the bottom of the steps and I almost missed the stepped, but it wasn't that serious. I stepped down to the last one, before glancing at Elijah again.

He was watching me as well, his focus away from Lia that was yapping her mouth in front of him. His eyes were blank, I couldn't read or guess what he was thinking. It's different, he looks at me differently now.

I looked away and I moved my straps more on my shoulder. Keon let me go out first and we walked down the hallway.

"Listen, It ain't my business and obviously you might not wanna talk about it, but like... you know have you thought to see a therapist or sum shit?" He asked.

"Huh..? No, why woul-."

I stopped walking and I stared at him. He was talking about that. He stopped walking as well and he touched his hair as he was tryna look calm, but nervous and unsure as well.

"I ain't tryna pry, but I thin-."

"Keon, I don't want to talk about. I said I was fine, I am fine, just leave it alone," I snap.

He put his hands up in defense and I began walking again. Why does everyone keep telling me that, I'm fine. I don't need to see a fucking therapist. Elijah and Gray keep pushing for me to see someone, so has Brooke, but I don't need to do that. I was over the situation.

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