Chapter Thirty-Four

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I looked at the missed calls from Grayson, but I never answered or called back. I only answered Elijah, so he wouldn't worry about me. It's only been two days, but I have been avoiding the topic of discussion.

I may have hung out with Adam, but I never went to his apartment. I still held up my part, so if that gets used against me I can say that's not true. It wouldn't matter all of this was Grayson's fault.

I don't know how to come across this anymore. I gave myself time to think and I did distance myself. I used that time to assess the situation I was in.

With Gray, he's complicated. I think there's a lot more there that he just holds back. I can see that he tries his best, but he treats me as if I'm too naive to understand. He was always up and down with me. We were fine for one weekend, One! It doesn't change the last month together.

Although I see the way he is with me. It's more than that, I just don't understand. Maybe I just don't understand him and I just want too much.

Elijah was way out of this portion. Elijah was easygoing, I could tell the way Elijah felt. It was obvious, I don't need to say much. I just think that I'm so wrapped around Eli and Gray that it doesn't feel the same anymore. It's fun, but at the same time, I am too worried about them.

I sighed and rested my head against the wheel.. I stared at the big house in front of me. I couldn't decide if I wanted to go in anymore. They know I'm here because there's a sensor that sends them a notification. Maybe they don't know I'm here, but ninety-ninety chance they do know.

I opened the car door and got my keys and phone. I closed the door and locked the car. I walked up to the door and put my key in. I unlocked the door and was greeted with silence.

I shut the door behind me and locked it, I put my keys on the side table right at the door. I walked down the hallway and heard sounds from the kitchen. I took a deep breath and walked in awkwardly smiling.

Grayson sat down at the counter with head down with a glass of some type of alcohol in it. Elijah leaned against the counter near the stove with his arms folded.

I know this is such a bad time to let my thoughts go down the gutter but fuck. They never wear shirts and usually their pants hang low so I get to see that V-line teasing me what's further down.

I trail my eyes on Elijah's body. I looked at the trail of her leading down into his pants and I wanted nothing more to go over there and please him. Those big muscly arms that I so much miss being in and wrapped into. I miss him calling me princess altogether. I loved how he could trap me with just his arms and when he picked me up. Yeah, two days felt like weeks being away from him.

I turned to Grayson who was now looking up at me. He looked tired as if he hadn't slept properly in a while, his hair was a mess of strands going in every direction. Grayson always kept a clean look to himself. He just looked exhausted which I never see.

"Angel," he starts.

"Hey Grayson, Hi daddy."

Maybe it was foul of me to call Grayson by his name, but still call Elijah daddy. It's well deserved and I shouldn't have to call him sir. I walk over to Elijah and I wrap my arms around him just needing to be in the comfort of his arms. I kiss him on the cheek and his hand rested on my waist.

"Princess, how are you?"

"I'm good."

Elijah didn't react when I called Grayson by his actual name. Even if he did he didn't show it. I avoided eye contact with Gray, because I never really call him Grayson, just Gray or Sir maybe even daddy sometimes when Elijah isn't around.

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