Chapter Forty-Four

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"You're mom knows," he said.


"She saw the lipstick on me, when we were outside."

"Shit, she hasn't said anything to me either."

"I think she's known this whole time."

I looked at him and I sighed. I'm not surprised, her wanting us three take pictures was strange in itself. Her even bringing up Iris at the table during breakfast was even more annoying it's self.

She knew her name and her age, she knew the sound of her voice. She knew that Iris was our submissive the second they met. She didn't need it to be verbally said or physically shown, she knew, but she brought it up at breakfast why?

I knew mom wasn't oblivious or stupid, she had an attentive eye. She pays attention to everything around her.

"I should have known, but Iris is stupid for coming."

"She just didn't want to be alone, but it's only because we came."

"I know, but we leave tomorrow so I can't be bothered."

"She does seem like she had fun even though she hates Kaia."

"I hate her too," I grumble.

"You do not, you know the twins do it for fun right?"

"I do, but it's not funny."

"When are they ever funny?" He asks.

"Never," I responded, laughing.

We both laughed at that, because it was a partial truth. Those two are a pain in the ass. I leaned my chair back and I yawned, thinking back at the restaurant. The Eve girl, whatever her name is, completely ruined it.

Although the night got better, I just don't think I can tell Iris that when she walked out, that she mentioned her father. That made me snap, because who in their right mind brings someone's dead relative up. I was glad she walked out when she did, because I'm sure Iris would have fought her.

I knew it wasn't a possibility, but a fact. I have seen Iris emotional about her dad and having someone you don't like shit talk him, would have pissed her off. I haven't asked Elijah about what he thought about what she said.

I don't care, because she already told me this. Seeing the girlfriend she was talking about was one of the things that I least expected.

"What do you think about what she said about Iris?"

"Do you want me to answer truthfully?"

"Of course I do."

"I don't know, Iris took it personally, but she was honest about what happened. Although the guy was the last person she had sex with, so she might have known the last time and did it out of spite."

"She told you he was the last person she had sex with?"

"Yeah... that's why I don't believe she's completely innocent the last time around, but maybe when it started."

"That I could believe."

We changed the topic and we drove in the driveway. Selena and Micheal were already back. Elijah and I got out of the car, we headed inside the house. I didn't see Adam's Jeep outside, so they weren't back yet.

Dad was sitting on the couch with Mom next to him. I looked between them and mom gazed at me with that disappointed look and I have done something wrong.

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