Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I stood at the door and watched them put their stuff in the Range Rover trunk. I was supposed to help, but then my whole body started to hurt me, so I couldn't help. I was slightly sleepy and just wanted to lay down.

I was gonna be alone in this big ass house by myself. I have been alone in the house before, it's so boring being there all by myself. I'm gonna actually miss them when they are away.

I might just head back to my dorm after they leave. I might as well stay there with the rest of the people who are staying for thanksgiving. Even so, I would start early preparation on my assignments.

"You can take the BMW in the garage, do not crash it," Elijah warns.

He starts walking over to me, while Grayson puts the last of the things in the trunk and he presses the button letting it automatically shut.

"Wait really? I can drive it?"

"Yes, you can, but make sure you return it before you leave to go see your mom," he nods.

"I won't, I'm a great driver," I beam.

I knew I wouldn't crash, I have driven one of their cars before, but I just couldn't drive any of their personal cars that you use everyday. I was sure they had a fear I would total their favorite cars. I hugged Elijah and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you daddy," I squeal.

"You're welcome princess."

I gave him another kiss on the cheek, but our kiss ended up becoming a long one. He had his arm around my lower back, my arms wrapped around his neck. I savored my last moment with him as I wouldn't be seeing him for a while.

Elijah pulls away and gives me one last peck on the lips. Grayson had his hands in his pants pocket and he was waiting. A slightly annoyed and impatient look on his face. He knew he was just waiting for his turn. I did a small skip over to him and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Is that it?"

I smiled as his lips twisted up in a snarl. I leaned up and gave him another small peck. I did it a few more times and I could tell by his body language he still wasn't pleased.

"Stop playing around Angel, give me a real kiss."

"What if I don't want to?" I pout.

"You know you do."

He reached forward grabbing my neck and pulling me close to him. I peered up to him as butterflies erupted in my stomach. He was right. This time I didn't give a peck, I gave him a sweet loving kiss. He kissed me with a soft eagerness, but he pulled away a few seconds later. We said our last goodbyes to each other and I watched as they left.

Just being alone in the house was enough for me to know I didn't want to be here. I made sure that everything was off in the house and there was nothing left to create a hazard.

I made sure all the windows and doors were closed or locked. I got the keys for the car from the key holder in the front and I headed to the garage. This was going to make my life a tad bit easier. I yawn and unlock the car.

I made sure to set the security alarm as well. I had double checked to make sure that it worked. That was all set and the house was ready to be empty for the next few days.

I opened the car door and I got in the car. Ooh okayy. This was nice like niceee. I might not wanna part ways with this baby. Maybe I can get it for good behavior.


This place was slowly emptying out. I should ask my mom to buy me a ticket on a serious ting. I layed in my bed and watched Tik Tok.

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