Chapter Fifty-Eight

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I watched Elijah as he was explaining our assignment to us. I was all happy on the inside, the last four weeks between us have been good. We have no bumps in the road and we were all just chilling happily.

I went to meet a therapist about what happened that night and it actually helped me. I just get trying to brush what happened to me under the rug, because others have experienced way worse than me. I didn't think what happened mattered, but it did affect me.

I tried to act like I was normal, which didn't work in my favor at all. It just made me worse without even knowing, but I'm getting there. I have been going to my sessions and on my fifth one.

Now I'm doing better. I feel better and have a better deeper understanding of my emotions on why I disregarded what happened to me. I was comparing my experiences to others, because I always felt invalid somehow. I was glad that they decided to get me a therapist, because it's helped a lot.

Elijah soon dismissed us and Keon wasn't in our lecture today. I had texted him to see what was up, but I think he was sick. I would check up on him, but he was being a bitch to me the other day, so he can perfectly suffers where he is.

I packed up my things and I waited around for Elijah. He was talking to a few of the girls and I watched with annoyance. One of them was resting on his desk and the two other girls were laughing. I rolled my eyes and I folded my arms. Move the fuck along.

He rubbed his beard and he smiled as he answered a question. I scowled and I was just glaring daggers at him. It was like he felt my stare and he looked in my direction. He smiled and he dismissed the girls. They left and I went up to his desk.

There were still a few people in the lecture hall, so I couldn't jump on him and shower him with kisses. Elijah had grown down his beard again, so he was giving off an older fine man with a beard. He looked so sexy with a beard that I just wanted him to eat my pussy.

"Iris, how can I help?"

"I need to speak to you in your office."

"Do you know?" He asked, smugly.

"Yes, hurry up."

I turned away from him and started walking off, left his classroom. I walked down the hallway and all the Valentine's Day decorations were already up. I can't believe Valentine's was already around the corner. I was excited for Valentine's, because I knew it was nothing, but fun nasty sweaty dirty sex.

I was mostly excited for that as I have been waiting for the right moment with them. I have a therapy session later on today and I hate the fact I will be discussing my sex life with a random woman, I just want to be sure I'm ready.

I stood outside of his office waiting. I rested against the wall and I checked the time. Five minutes went by, then ten minutes went by. I walked up and down the hallway aimlessly waiting for him. What was even taking him so long.

I sighed and kept walking up and down the hallway. I looked on the random boards in the hallway reading the stuff on them. The different books that were studied and it giving a rundown of the assignments.

"Iris," he calls.

I turned and he was standing near his door opening it with his key. I hurried towards him and he opened his door. He went in turning on the lights and he held the door open for me. I went into his office and he let the door shut behind him.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I had to speak to a teacher, I'm sorry."

He kissed my forehead and he moved away going to his desk. I put my bag down in one of his chairs, then moved around his desk.

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