Chapter Twelve

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I looked at my list and I was checking to see if I had all my skincare stuff. I did, so it was on to the next part. I have never been shopping on a spree so freely that I felt too excited. A sudden yell filled my ears and quickly turned down my volume.

"I'm about to hang up, I have my fucking AirPods in."

"It's Parker being an asshole," Adam said.

"Tell him to shut up!"

Being on FaceTime with Adam made this shopping trip almost easier. Shawn would put in here and there, but other than that it was alright. Brooke was in class, so she couldn't even come shopping with me.

Elijah and Grayson are obviously working, so I had to do all the shopping alone. Grayson gave me his card and told me, whatever stuff I use everyday I need to buy to have at their house.

Instead of me packing all the time, it was smarter for me to buy new hair products, new makeup depending, new skincare, and all of that. I was trying to stay realistic by not putting anything I wouldn't use, much as I wanted to.

"KayKay, what's up?"

Parker's face came on the screen and Adam's voice faded in the background. I rolled my eyes at him as Parker was the only person to call me KayKay.

"I'm shopping."

"For what?"

"Stuff," I answered.

"Nigga give me the phone!"

Shawn snatched the phone from Parker, but he was walking off. Sometimes these lot were just pure entertainment to me. I wouldn't talk to them as frequently if Keon wasn't related to Shawn.

"Are you coming to the party?

Party? Keon mentioned a party a few days ago, but that was for a different one I think. Maybe it's the same one.

"What party?"

"This Friday."

Friday? That's supposed to be my weekend with them. I guess I will just have to run it by them and see what they say. If they say no, I don't mind. I would rather spend time with them and get to know them.

"Mhmm I will think about it."

"Cool, you can bring your friend wit you Brooke."

"I love how you remember Brooke's name, but can't remember to wake up on time."

"Hop off my dick, she's chill."

One thing about niggas is they want to fuck. I'm not going to push him away from her since I know Brooke, probably been feeling him on a low. She swears she ain't, but hmm.

I stayed on the phone with them and wrapped up my shopping trip in target. I made sure to put the receipt in my purse as well, so I could show Grayson.

He's supposed to be the least affectionate one, but he just gave me his card. Was that because of what I said to him? Now that it was in my mind, I didn't even feel alright anymore getting my things.

He told me to get snacks as well for myself, but I don't even know if I want to do that anymore. I would be fine not having to eat at theirs. There were times where there was nothing in the fridge at home and I had to make do.

I don't blame my mom for any of it, she never did it on purpose and it was never punishment. It was just life and she worked another job as well. I also started working as well to make shopping and help with the bills. I could seriously do without a lot of things.


I was basically at their house alone for hours and I decided to try FaceTime Hailey. She was one of the few people I planned to stay in touch with after I graduated. I wanted nothing to do with people in my school.

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