Chapter Fifteen

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Elijah's arms were wrapped around me and one of his hands was holding my boob in his hand. I shifted a bit and I blinked softly, yawning. Elijah was nice cuddling, it made me feel so comforted.

I eased out of his grasp and I slid off the bed. I tiptoed to the bathroom. I quickly wash my face and use some of my skin care. I liked having my own bathroom and privacy.

I brushed my teeth and I felt more awake. It was the nice sleep and being in Elijah's arms that made me feel so good. I walked out of the bathroom and he was sleeping so peacefully.

He was shifting about now since my body was missing. I got my phone off the charger and I put on my slippers leaving the bedroom. It was 7 in the morning and I'm never awake at this time.

This meant that I would end up going to lay down again with him anyways. I glanced at Grayson's door curious to know how he sleeps. I'm hoping he will warm up more and join us for a night cuddle like that.

I went down the stairs and I went into the kitchen. I flicked on the lights and I yawned. I was not about to cook at this time. I opened their pantry and ignored the protein powders, and all of that shit. I saw oats which I was completely fine with eating.

I got the oats and I put them on the counter. I get the milk out the fridge and I assemble my oats. I tried looking for the vanilla and why did I not see any? You're telling me that they don't have vanilla extract.

I put a note down for them to get some, because that's crazy. I put honey in my oats anyway to really sweeten it up. I sat down on the counter and I went on tiktok as I watched tiktok for a bit. I realized it should be about 9 for my mom.

She should be cooking or she should be choosing what she wants to wear for church. The way I do not miss going to her church. I went on WhatsApp and I video called her.

The only reason why I have that app is for her, I don't talk to anybody else. I waited for a while and she picked up the phone. She had her face all screw up and I screwed my face as well.

"Why yuh face look suh?" I asked.

"You remember to call me now?"

"Mummy, be grateful I called you alright."

"Likkle gyal, what is it?"

"I'm calling to check up on you ma, how are you?"

"I'm okay, I miss you. The house is lonely without you, I don't know why you chose that place."

"You know I wanted to get out of Chicago and all them nasty ass people," I reason.

"I know, but at least you're doing something with your life."

"I like it over here."

"Good, you want to help me pick out my outfit for church dis evening?"

"Ughhh," I groan.

I should have known it was coming. She started to laugh, because she knew how I felt helping her choose. She was too fussy for my liking. She was serious and I helped her picked out a dress to wear

I told her the red dress with the gold lining. My mom was just too nuff. She did settle on it, but she had to pick out all of her jewelry. Eventually we changed the topic, then she had a call.

She hung up on me and took her call. I wasn't even bothered by it. It happened frequently and our conversation was ending soon. I went back on Tiktok and went back to my eating.

"What are you doing up so early?"

Grayson came into the kitchen and he came over to me. He rested on the side counter, he looked down a bit at my chest.

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