Chaoter Sixty-One

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I was chilling in my dorm room with Brooklyn as it has been forever since we hung out together. This was me working on my attachment issues. I had another session with my therapist and we discussed it more, such as my next steps to deal with my daddy issues.

That also involved me not getting lost within them and focusing on my friendships. Rebecca was coming soon with some eddies that we could take. We were planning on watching some shows, probably gossip a whole lot about shit I have missed.

Brooke was catching me up with her and Shawn. I was shaking my head at her, because those two were in a sticky tangle.

"Let me get this straight, you both slept with different people to spite each other and now you're both mad at each other?"

"Yeah, but he started it first," she argued.

"Gurl, at this point that's mad toxic, but why not just talk to him?"

"Because he's still fucking talking to the bitch he fucked!"

"How do you know that?"

"I asked Keon," she grumbled.

"You asked Ke? His ass might have been lying, you know he won't tell his brother's business to you."

"I know, I know, but I was hoping he could tell me something," she groans.

"I mean, is Shawn's dick really worth it though? You brought me into the BDSM scene. Why not come back to the club and see?"

"I don't know, you're all booed up and I actually get nervous," she admits.

"No way... You know I will always go with you, I get to see my man while you look for yours."

"Fine, we can go this weekend, but I haven't paid for a membership."

"I'm sure Gray with let you pass since you're my friend," I said

"Hopefully, I mean I hav-."

A knock comes from our door and I heard Rebecca's voice. I got up and opened the door for her, she walked and I shut the door. I hop back into my bed while she placed her bag on the table.

"What up bitchess."

"Nothinggg, what's up with you?" I asked.

"A lot, but what y'all taking abou?"

"The fact that I need to get some new dick and block Shawn," Brooke sighed.

"I said that time ago, anyways here ya go."

She pulled out a cling film wrap and placed it on the table. She opened the window slightly, just in case there was a lingering smell. She gave us each an Eddie, it was a rice Krispy Treat one as well. I took small bites out of mine and Rebecca got comfortable in my bed.

We gave Brooke advice on what to do about the Shawn situation. It made sense for her to just put distance between them, because what they is doing don't make no sense. We waited for the edibles to hit and when they did we were high as motherfuckers as we had eaten another one.

We slapped on some Rick and Morty as background noise. I got out the Uno cards and we sat down on the floor to play Uno. I was currently winning as I had two wins. In this round I was going over what happened with Adam and Parker.

"Oh yeah, Adam didn't even tell Parker he would get suspended from the team. Anyways Parker deleted it, but still had the motherfucking audacity to ask me for a video," I scowled.

"Something tells me he didn't ask that in a joking way," Rebecca said.

"It wasn't."

"Although, what's your friendship like now?"

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