Hello again

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Warning: Spoilers for the mcu / Wandavision / Dr Strange: MOM
Word Count: 1506 words


It's been a couple weeks now and she appeared to still be on my mind constantly. It's almost like my mind has memorised her words, her lips, the way my heart seemed to palpitate when my hand was on her chest.

Agh! Get your act together, you don't even know her and you're already falling harder than Natasha!

Anyway, the newest Marvel movie is coming out and spoiler alert, I'm not dead. (Author's note: Wanda's probably dead but I'm in denial so...) I had gotten quite a few emails regarding the movie, one being an email concerning a table read I need to be at later on today at around three thirty. I sigh knowing I had work to do.

I responded to the emails and moped around my apartment for a little whilst I waited for Scarlett to get here. We had arranged plans for her to come to my house so we could eat lunch together. I really want to tell her about the woman but knowing Scar, I would never hear the end of it. Scarlett will tease me so hard if I tell her I'm falling for a girl I barely even know but oh well. To be completely honest, I don't even know if Scar knows I like women.

I rose to the sound of the doorbell and answered it. As I expected, Scar stood looking at me with a smile plastered on her face like always and her arms open wide for a hug.

"Hey Lizzie!" She smiled and brought me into her embrace. Her hugs are comforting no matter what.

"Hey! Come in, I'm starving."

She walked in and I guided her through the apartment. We sat on my couch and I watched as she gasped quietly by the amount of food on my coffee table. She looked up and stared at me in utter disbelief as I shrugged.

"I had the morning off," I stated with a small smile.

After an hour an a half, both Scar and I had caught up about life and our careers, things like that. Scarlett was talking about her kids and I couldn't help but smile. I loved Rose and Cosmo; Scar always says I would be a good mother but don't feel very prepared for that yet. I don't even have a husband. Or wife.

"Come on Liz, there has to be someone out there for you."

I blush at the thought. I pictured the woman once again.

No! No.

"Hey, I know that look. Who is he?"

"I don't even know her name." My eyes widened slightly when I realised I just said her.

"Well at least tell me about this mystery woman!" Scar smirked and barely acknowledged that I was crushing on a girl.

I shrugged, "she's beautiful, she's angelic, it's like I've been lost forever and she found me. She kind, she likes to tease but she's a kind soul."

Scar chuckled softly. "Oh, you got it bad, Lizzie."  I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at her. She laughed and threw it back, hitting my embarrassed face.

- Timeskip -

Once Scar leaves, I get ready for the table read. I wear something casual knowing we'd be sat down for a few hours. My character, Wanda, was crushed and 'killed' by Mount Wundagore but this movie shows what happened to Wanda after her 'death'. (Author's note: I made up the plot for this fake movie, it isn't part of the actual mcu).

Once I got to the table read, I was greeted with some familiar faces. Julian and Jett immediately come running towards me engulfing me in a huge hug. Joy fills me as I beamed at the two kids but I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes staring at me.

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