Four AM Sushi

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Word Count: 1048 

If you didn't like last chapter, this one isn't much better lol  


"Hey you guys! Let me introduce you to Lizzie." Y/n says to the group of people in front of us.   

I stand quite awkwardly but try and be polite. "Nice to meet you all."   

Y/n held my hand the whole time which comforted me a little and what made the whole situation a lot less awkward is that one of the men in the group began to talk to me.   

"Hey Lizzie, nice to meet you, I'm Robbie." He says with a smile.   

He starts explaining how much he loved my movies and told me all about his band. I smiled at his enthusiasm and passion. He seemed nice, a good friend. After a while, he started to get less and less sober though.    

"Hey, do you want anything to drink pretty eyes?" Y/n whispered in my ear which makes me nod.  

"Sure, I'll have anything." I smile as she walks off.  

"Hey Lizzie, can I show you something?" Robbie says, slurring his words slightly from the lack of sobriety. He didn't seem like the person he was when I started talking to him.  

"I guess? What do you wanna show me?" I say cautiously.  

"Come onnn, it'll be fun."  

"O-okay." I agreed, very reluctantly.   

- Timeskip -  

Robbie pushes me against the wall and covers my mouth when I struggle and begin to shout.  

"You don't wanna do that." He says, his alcohol breath lingering in the air.  

"R-Robbie I have a girlfriend." I whimper, my words muffled by his hand.  

"Shut up and kiss me."  

He takes his hand off my mouth and kisses me violently. When I push him away and struggle all I get is a slap on the face. Tears well in my eyes but I don't dare let them roll down my cheeks. I screw my eyes shut and wait for it to be over.  

His kisses are sloppy and I can taste the beers that he had downed. It felt the opposite to Y/n. Her kisses are gentle and full of love. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Robbie started to kiss my neck which made me even more uncomfortable. And when he kisses my lips once again, his hands trail around my body. I try my best to pull them away.   

It feels like hours before it ends, Robbie only pulling away to throw up on the floor. While he's occupied, I slip away and try to find Y/n. Tears threaten to roll down my face and my breathing picks up.  

I need to find Y/n. 

I look around the sea of people and around the drinks area. Then I soon realise that I know no one here and Y/n is nowhere to be seen.  

"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" I mumble under my breath. I step outside and begin to pace. My heart beats faster than ever before, my breathing became shallow and strained.  

I grab my phone with shaky hands. I call Y/n as warm tears hit the phone screen.  

The phone rings and rings; Y/n never picks up. Sobs beg to voice themselves but I silence myself to the best of my abilities. My lip trembled but I didn't wan't to draw attention to myself so I held my tears in. 

After a moment of contemplation,I decide to call Scarlett. I look through my contacts and find Scarlett's number and call her. After a few rings, she picks up and I hear her raspy voice in my ear. 

"Hey Lizzie," she starts, sounding slightly tired. I checked the time. 3:45 AM. Great.  

"S-Scarlett." I manage to choke out her name, albeit quietly.   

"Hey, where are you? I'm gonna come get you." I sigh in relief at her words. 

I tell her the address and wait for her, fiddling with the hem of my dress. After around fifteen minutes, I watch Scarlett's car drive in front of me and slowly stop a metre or so away from me. I watch as she walks to me, concern filling her face. 

"Oh Lizzie..." She engulfs me in a hug. 

We get in her car and she starts to drive, still looking at me worried. A little while later, she finally asks.  

"What happened?" She says quietly with one hand reaching out to grab mine. 

I open my mouth to try and speak but tears sting my eyes again. I begin to shake my head rapidly to signify I didn't want to talk. 

Scarlett sighed in concern but didn't pry and just held my hand while driving, letting go only a few times every few minutes when turning before grabbing it once more. 

Meanwhile, I sit staring out the window; alone with my thoughts. 

Is Y/n okay? 

Where is she? 

Why did she leave me? 

That last thought made the sobs erupt out of my throat. Scarlett turned to me quickly at the sound. I turn away from her more, ashamed. 

After a little while though, my cries begin to worsen and my throat feels like it closed up. I try to breathe but all that happens is that I start to gasp and heave. 

Scarlett picks up her speed and stops close to my place. She unbuckles her seatbelt and pulls me into her embrace. 

"I-I Y/n." I choke out. Scarlett keeps hugging me tightly. 

"It's okay. Let's just calm down." 

After a while, my breathing slowed down and I had stopped sobbing because my voice was now hoarse and almost gone. 

"I'm s-sorry, you can go now. Thank you for taking me home." Scarlett shakes her head at my words. 

"I'm not leaving." 


"I'm. Not. Leaving." She anunciates all the words. I smiled weakly. 

"We don't have to talk if you don't want to, I'll just be here to make sure you're okay." 

I sigh and nod. 

"Now should we get sushi?" She asks and I smile. 

"At four in the morning?" I say sceptical. 

She nods. I smile. 

"Let's go get sushi at four AM." I say, slightly amused. 

Thanks for reading! Btw, Robbie Arnett is probably a really nice person but I'm making him mean for the purposes of this book. 


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