Pancakes or Waffles?

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Word Count: 1005 words <3  


I open my eyes to the sun's bright light casted through my bedroom. I roll over to find an empty spot where Y/n was supposed to be. I look around the room only to find Y/n is nowhere to be seen.  

I sit up, confused and get even more confused when I hear muffled music playing and random clattering noises. I get up out of bed and walk to my kitchen, finding the source of all the noise.  

I smile and watch Y/n dancing around to a random pop song whilst cutting up some fruit. She twirls around wearing a pale grey graphic t-shirt and some jeans that look oddly familiar.  

"You stole my clothes." I stated with a smile. She looks over at me, grinning so much to the point I could see the shallow dimples on her face.   

"What can I say, you have good fashion sense, sleepyhead." She teased; Y/n beamed at me even more. I roll my eyes and sit on the kitchen counter. I watch as she cuts up strawberries and apples neatly on the cutting board in front of her.   

"Do you need help?" I ask only to get immediate head shakes from Y/n.  

"You let me stay last night so this is me paying back the favour."  

"But-" I start which results in me getting a strawberry to the face. I scrunch my nose while Y/n giggles mischievously.  

"Sorry pretty eyes." She says, still giggling. I roll my eyes once more. We sit in silence for a few beats, Y/n looking at me after a while with a serious expression on her face.  

"Okay, important question, pancakes or waffles?" Y/n says as she places the cut up fruit in a bowl and gets another bowl along with some ingredients. 

Right, very important.  

"Hmm... Pancakes?" I say questioningly as I get down from the counter and start to set the table. Y/n's jaw drops and I chuckle at her.  

"I'm gonna forget you said that and make the waffles." I throw my head back laughing from her reply.  

I watch as she cooks. The atmosphere is calm and tranquil, Y/n talking about random things every so often while I sneak around her to try and steal some apple slices or strawberry halves from the bowl without her noticing. She let it slide the first few times but hindered my path when I decided to try and take the whole bowl.    

I smile at the thought of me and Y/n doing this everyday. Waking up from a night of being tangled in each other's limbs, making breakfast, throwing flour at Y/n's face.  

I'm pulled out of the thoughts though when Y/n places a coffee in front of me. I thank her and sip it, the warmth of it comforting me. Comforting me enough to say something stupid.  

"I love you." The words coming out of my mouth so quickly I couldn't change them. 

"I love you too." Y/n says, not fully understanding what I mean.  

"No, Y/n. I love you." I say, trying to make her understand.  

"No, Lizzie. I love you too. I love y-your hair and your eyes and the way you make me laugh. I love the way you care, you listen. I loved last night, how you played with my hair as I slept. I love the way your face lights up when you're talking about something you're passionate about.  

"And I love your smile and- and how you don't care that much I throw strawberries at your face. I love the way you just understand me. I love lips, I love kissing them. I know that sounds weird and I'm just rambling at this point but...  

"I love... I love you. My love isn't fake. It never was."  

I open my mouth and try to speak but it seems like no words want to come out. Both of our eyes are filled with tears and we stare at each other trying to find the right thing to say.  

You know what? Fuck words.  


You stare into Lizzie's eyes; your breathing stopped long ago.  

Fuck I really just said that out loud.  

Lizzie says nothing but quickly comes up to you, hugging you tightly. She pulls away and stares into your eyes before pressing her lips into yours. She pulls away again and begins to speak.   

"Y/n I- I love you too. Now that I've met you I don't think I can ever be the same without you. Loving you is like breathing. I can't live without loving you, it would pain me to stop. Loving you is the most natural feeling I have."   

You smile at her words and pull her in for another kiss. You don't think you have the courage to pull away until you hear a loud alarm go off.   


You scream and scramble around to turn the waffle maker and smoke alarm off. Once you have the situation mostly under control, you glance at Lizzie who was covering her mouth trying not to laugh but failing miserably.   

"You're lucky I love you." You say exasperated. Lizzie couldn't contain her laughter any longer and she started to laugh uncontrollably. You wanted to pout at her laughing at you but you couldn't help but smile at how in love you are with the woman in front of you.   

After a few moments, Lizzie calms down and looks at you and deadpans.   

"We should've made the pancakes." She said making both of you laugh so much you both tear up slightly.   

"You're gonna be the death of me, Y/n."    

"Well you're gonna be the life in me, pretty eyes."  

Lizzie tilts her head, "What?" 

"Yeah I don't know, that was cheesy. Should we try and cook the waffles again?" 

"No way, we're making pancakes."    

Bit of a weird ending but oh well. Thanks for reading! I have the week off now so I'll hopefully write and upload a bit more than usual. :) 

- Cas      

Love On-Screen // Elizabeth OlsenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon