Coffee Cups and Cigarettes

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Word Count: 1100 words  


It's the next day and I walk to set, smile on my face and ring on my finger.

Y/n had spent the whole day with me yesterday and I finally felt happy, tranquil. The feeling of the ring on my finger is amazing. I've had many rings but none like this.

Once I got to set, I look around for Y/n but bump into the director.

"Hi there, Lizzie, I was looking for you! Can you go to room H5? Y/n's in there, she'll explain what's happening."

"Sure, thank you." I reply and turn to leave.

The walk to the room is short and I knock on the door. The door opens, Y/n's face being the first thing I see.

"Hey Lizzie, come in." She gestures to make me sit on the couch she was on.

The room was a recording room. A third of the room was a soundproof section to record voice overs or singing. It had a microphone and some headphones but was otherwise empty. The rest of the room has some technology which I didn't know the name of and some couches along with some instruments.

"I was asked to make a song for you to sing for the movie, I was wondering if you'd like to help with some of the songwriting too." Y/n says with a smile.

"I don't know much about songwriting, I can sing and play a few instruments though." I say, proud that I can do something in Y/n's area of expertise.

"I was thinking... You don't have too but... could you tell me what you felt when I left? You don't have to but-"

"It's okay," I swallow, "will it help with the song?" I bite my lip nervously.

"Well the song will kinda be about you and Vision and what you felt when he left." Y//n looks down, guilt lacing her words.

"Okay. It felt confusing... It felt like I was going out of my mind. I needed you but you didn't need me so you just left." A single tear rolls down my face. Y/n kisses my cheek and grabs the guitar next to her.

She begins to think, after a while, her eyes light up.

"Take a look at me now, I never really made you proud," she starts singing in a soft voice.

"I've been floating on the clouds of black and grey," her fingers strum chords and I watch in fascination of her talent.

"So just leave me here like this, without a lovers' goodbye kiss," That part hurt, I feel the emotion through her voice and words and wonder how I'm going to be able to sing this without bursting into tears.

"You know I'd only take the piss, I'm going out of my mind," her voice is beautiful, almost like a lullaby sending me asleep. The song is perfect and captures Wanda's feelings perfectly too.

"Um the chorus could be like, you don't need me to function anymore, take the keys and lock the door, you don't need me to function anymore, take the keys and lock the door, I'm going out of my mind." She stops singing and puts the guitar down.

"Is that good?" I nod at her question and pull her in tight for a hug.

"Do you have that memorised 'cause if not, I'm gonna cry." Y/n chuckles lightly at my seriousness.

"I do; we have to go back to set and practice the scene that song is in."

I look up and think, what scene do I have to sing in?

"They're just writing it in now. We have," she pauses to check the time, "five or six minutes for you to learn the song." Y/n says and I nod.


- Time skip -

"Okay... and ACTION!"

Wanda is seen tucking Mila into a twin sized bed. Beatrice is close behind, leaning on Mila's bedroom doorframe.

"Goodnight my darling." Wanda says, kissing Mila on the forehead. Beatrice walks over and wishes Mila goodnight too, cupping her small cheek.

Wanda and Bea turn to walk off when they hear a small voice calling out for them.

"Mama, Mommy!" Mila whines.

"What do you need hon? Are you okay?" Wanda, the forever protective and worried mother asks.

"Sing pleaseee?" Mila begs and pouts cutely.

"I'll get the guitar." Beatrice says with a smile. Once she returns, she sits at the edge of the bed with Wanda at her side.

Bea begins to play the guitar, her foot tapping to the rhythm. After a little, Wanda joins in by singing.

"Take a look at me now, I never really made you proud," Wanda sings with her beautiful voice.

"I've been floating on the clouds of black and grey. So just leave me here like this, without a lovers' goodbye kiss," Wanda begins to tear up and her voice wavers slightly.

"You don't need me to function anymore, take the keys and lock the door, you don't need me to function anymore, take the keys and lock the door, I'm going out of my mind." Wanda begins to cry silently, she finishes with tears pouring down her face though her voice still sounded seraphic.

"Why are you crying, Mommy?" Mila says with a yawn, slightly oblivious to the depressing words.

"Mommy's okay darling, she has you!" Wanda smiles through her sadness.

Beatrice puts the guitar down and peppers Mila's face in kisses eliciting giggles from the little girl.

"Come on, sleep now baby, we can sing again for you in the morning." Bea stands taking the guitar in one hand and Wanda's hand in the other. 

"Night mama, night mommy." Mila's eyes close and she shuffles a little in her bed, hugging a tiger stuffed animal. 

Once back in their room, Wanda's resolve breaks and she sobs into Bea's shoulder. It only takes a minute for her to put herself back together. Bea looks at Wanda worried but Wanda reassures her. 

"I'm okay. I've had a lot of families. I just needed to remember that a family is forever. My past families are still with me but so are you and Mila. I'm lucky to have you. I love you." Wanda pulls Bea in for a kiss, Beatrice accepting lovingly. 

"And... End scene! Great job guys, I still think we may tweak this a little more." 

I smile slightly. 

A family is forever. 

Beatrice and Mila is Wanda's family and Y/n is mine. 

Y/n is my forever. 

Thanks for reading! Btw I haven't had much sleep ngl so if I've made any errors then I'm so sorry.    

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