I will dry your eyes

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Word Count: 1026    


'Y'know if you need me, just tug on your ear. I promise I'll come to you if you do that.'  

The words resonate in your mind and you can't take your eyes off of the women's restroom door at the to your right.  

Lizzie is in the room next to you, needing help. But she betrayed you. She kissed someone else. But... She needs help. 

And the worst thing is, you can't help but turn this entire situation into song lyrics! 

Shall I stay? Would it be a sin,  

If you stayed, you would betray Lizzie. If you went, you would betray yourself. 

If I can't help falling in love with you?  

You couldn't help it, loving her was the only thing that you knew at this point. Loving her was the truest thing you've ever done. She had you wrapped around her finger. Her scent grounds you, her laugh never ceases to make you smile. 

Plus, the world still thinks you're dating her, if news spreads that you didn't help her and she was crying or something, the media will be all over it. 

Fuck it. I'm going. 

You quickly but quietly walk over to the bathroom, looking nonchalant in your head but you can tell you're sweating from nervousness.  

You can do this. You can do this.  

Your hand reaches to push the door, trembling slightly.  

Calm down! What's wrong with you?!   

You take a deep breath and enter the bathroom to find it empty. You look around confused until you hear soft sobs coming from the only closed stall.  


No response.        

You walk closer to the stall, making your footsteps loud enough to be heard but quiet enough that it won't startle Lizzie too much. 


No response. 

The only thing you could hear was the sobs becoming quieter with the occasional choked sounding noises. You notice the stall was open and start to open it slowly. 

"Pretty eyes?" 

Only then does Lizzie look up, mascara running down her face. You sigh. 

"Oh Lizzie," you open your arms and give her a concerned half-smile, "I'm so sorry." 

You were sorry that you hadn't come sooner. Lizzie sniffled as the tears kept coming. You knew physical touch would calm her down but she wasn't exactly giving any signs of consent. Desperate to help, you ask verbally. 

"Can I hug you, pretty eyes?" Her response was a weak nod but it was enough to you. You immediately come forward and wrap your arms around her. 

"I-I I'm sor- sorry." She manages to stutter out. You just shush her and reassure her. 

"We'll talk about that later, just- I promise I will dry your eyes when it falls apart." That seemed to make her take off the mask she had on. The mask of insouciance, happiness. 

She sobbed in your arms. You did nothing but hold her. 

When she looks up at you, you give her a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes and raise your hand to dry the tear marks on her face. 

What you didn't expect was for her to flinch away abruptly. 

You furrow your eyebrows. 

"Lizzie, what really happened the night of the party?" You question with a small head tilt.      

- Timeskip - 

You sat in a diner, Lizzie looking sheepish sitting across from you. Faint tear tracks still adorn her face; neither of you say a word. 

Lizzie hadn't won the award she was nominated for but neither had you so you guessed that could be a conversation starter.  

"I'm sorry you didn't win, you really deserved it." 

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I'm sorry you didn't win either, you deserved yours more." Lizzie's voice wavers only slightly but you can still notice. 

"Lizzie, do you trust me?" 

"Of course I do, not many would dry my tears." You frown at her words that had meant to be a joke but wasn't all that funny at this moment. 

"Their loss. I will always dry your tears. But... I need you to be honest with me." The urgency in your tone made Lizzie immediately nod. 

"What happened at the party? And don't tell me nothing." You remember how much Lizzie loves touch, how she always leans close to you, so why is flinching from you? 

"Robbie, I'm sure he didn't mean it, he was drunk and probably-" You place your hand on hers. 

"Did he hurt you pretty eyes?" 

Lizzie looks down and swallows harshly. You gasp softly and tears sting your eyes. You blink them back. 

"Oh my love, I'm so sorry; I just left and jumped to conclusions. I'm so stupid." Lizzie cups your face in her hands. 

"You're not stupid, don't say that. I would've left too. I shouldn't have trusted him when he was so drunk." Lizzie looked guilty and you could tell that an old lady was looking at the both of you but you didn't care too much. 

"Lizzie, I've been a dick, I know you will probably hate me forever but I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me?" 

Lizzie stares into your eyes, her lips parted slightly. 

"I forgive but I... It's hard to forget. You left me when I really needed you." 

"I understand, what do you need? Space? Chocolate? Shoulder to cry on?" You give the best smile you could and she chuckles. 

"I think I've done enough crying." She hesitates, "can I have a hug?" 

You smile widens and you both stand. You wrap your arms around her and she reciprocates. 

When she pulls away, she stares at your chapped lips. After a moment, she moves her gaze and land a soft kiss on your cheek. 

"Can we go to yours? I don't really want to be alone." She asks nervously. 

"Of course, you never need a reason to ask. I'm here, pretty eyes. We'll get through this." 

"Y/n, it's hard for me to say 'I love you' right now, so I just wanna say I'm glad you're here." 

"I'm glad you're here too." 

Thanks for reading! Lizzie and Y/n are slowly getting there! :)  Also sorry this is a little rushed.           

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