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Word Count: 1363 

I apologise in advance for this chapter lmao 


It's been three days since the whole waffle fiasco and you and Lizzie have been happily dating off and on-screen. 

You've never been happier, especially since Lizzie has taken a liking to stay at your place and vice versa. You both had been swapping between staying at Lizzie's and yours for the last few days while filming and it had been pure bliss. 

You and Lizzie would stay up talking about how your days had been even though you were barely apart from each other for longer than ten minutes or talking about random things and making really bad jokes. 

When you'd wake up in the morning, you would be tangled in each other. You've gotten used to the feeling of Lizzie being next to you, you wouldn't be able to sleep without her near. You'd make smoothies or quick breakfast items then go to work hand in hand. 

The internet loved you both. They haven't suspected anything but some people have said that the both of you had gotten much closer. Some rumours spread thinking that you and Lizzie were engaged after Lizzie 'accidentally' wore a ring on her ring finger to mess with the paparazzi which you both now have an inside joke about. 

Today was finally a day off for both of you and you were beyond excited to spend some quality time with your girlfriend outside of work. You wake up with a smile on your face and find Lizzie is still asleep next to you.  

You quietly lean over and pepper her face with gentle kisses which causes her to stir awake.  

"Good morning sleepyhead." You state, admiring the beauty in front of you.  

"Morning my love." Lizzie says with a yawn. You both sit up and decide what you're going to do for the day.  

"A friend of mine is throwing a party; she invited me and said I could bring someone if I wanted?" You say looking at Lizzie, waiting for a response.  

"Sure, whose gonna be there?"  

"Mostly songwriters and singers, a few bands?" You knew that Lizzie might not be very comfortable in a party that consisted of all strangers but you decided to ask anyway.  

"Uhm, sure. What else should we do today?" Lizzie asks; you could tell she was slightly hesitant about the party still.  

"I know a couple of good stores; we could shop?" You suggest, holding Lizzie's hand and rubbing the back of it with your thumb.  

She nods at your idea and asks what stores you were thinking about.  

"I know a couple of bookstores and I need some groceries so maybe we could go to the supermarket?"  

"Sounds good babe." She kisses you on the lips, smiling when you pull away.  

"I love you pretty eyes."  

- Timeskip -  

You and Lizzie walk around a small bookstore and browse for any novels that catch your eye. The bookstore was medium sized and not only sold books but also CD's and vinyl.   

Lizzie had picked up a cookbook and was leafing through the pages. You, on the other hand, were walking aimlessly around fiction books and best sellers. You were reading the blurb of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo when a girl came up to you.  

"H-hi, sorry to disturb you but I love your music." The girl looked around sixteen and was looking at you slightly awestruck.  

"You're not disturbing me at all! Would you like me to sign that?" You said, looking at one of your album CD's in her hands that she must have bought at the bookstore's CD collection. She nods and hand it over to you, passing over a black sharpie from her pocket as well.  

Love On-Screen // Elizabeth OlsenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora