Episode 40

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Taehyung cried a little when Jungkook left him like this, but when he focused on his actions and Jungkook's insecurities, he realised that his husband was right.  His priority was Jungmin, the thought that Jungkook married him just because of Jungmin or the kingdom was still uprooted somewhere in his mind.

He can't help it, but the thought that Jungmin does not have his mother crawled inside his heart every time he saw Jungmin.
That's the reason his mind is so foggy to love Jungmin more. He did everything to be the best mother to his little prince but in his desire of a good mother, he neglected his Husband. Guilt began to abrupt in his heart, his eyes began to tear when he realised they didn't have so many memories.

All he remembered was the time when they mated. There are no love talks, there are no confessions from his side. All he remembered was Jungkook doing the duties of a good husband, loving him, expressing his love through words and action. But what did Taehyung do?
Tears rolled down his eyes when he didn't find a single memory of saying "I love you" to his husband. Was he negligent toward his husband?

He wiped his tears when his babies began to move in his tummy, he caressed the tummy and mumbled something before laying down. He knew he needed a lot of explanation to give to his angry husband. 'Tomorrow I'll give you my all-time Kookie, let's talk it out. And I am ready to build a door in your chamber. We need privacy too. You are right.' he thought before his eyes became sleepy and he drifted into dreamland.


Jungkook sighed, plopping on his throne. This was the time for breakfast but he didn't have the heart to face Taehyung.
'like what man, why do you have to be so dramatic?' he questioned himself, 'you pick a fight with your pregnant Husband, how can you be so senseless' he unknowingly pouted. He was alone, sitting on his throne reflecting on his actions last night.

He was feeling embarrassed to show off his insecurities like this. The thought of Taehyung seeing him as a husband to get irritated by his kids was making him guilty. He wanted to go back and hug Taehyung for behaving like this, yelling at him and speaking nonsense but deep down his heart was resisting saying he should speak about his concerns too. You can't always be on the giving side, you can demand attention too.

After what felt like an eternity, he stood up to go and talk to Taehyung. They had to communicate to resolve the matter.
He climbed down the stairs but stopped at the last one when Jungmin walked in holding a big plate and taking cautious steps. Jungkook helped him by carrying the plate and he motioned for his father to sit back on the throne.

"Dada… I brought breakfast for you." He pointed to the plate excitedly, his excitement and little jumps for getting on the throne making Jungkook smile. He picked him up and made him sit on his lap.

"No, no not there." Jungmin squirmed out of his lap and sat in front of his father, crossing his arms and showing a scowl.
Jungkook got amused by his sassiness.

"Why do you skip breakfast?" Jungmin asked in an attempt to be stern. Jungkook chuckled while showing his baby behaving like a big man.

"Dada was busy, son." He patted his head. Jungmin thought for a moment before dropping his scowl.

"Mama says we shouldn't skip breakfast. it's a bad thing." He took a piece of boiled egg in his tiny hands and forwarded it to the king who held his hand and ate from it, kissing his little hands and making him giggle cutely.

"Why is my son here to feed his dad? Did your mama tell you to do this?" Jungkook took another bite of pancake from Jungmin's hand.

"No dada… I wanted to show how much I love you." He smiled with pink cheeks, making Jungkook chuckle.

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