32. Virtue's Beauty

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Virtue Memoria ( Den's Point of View Part 3 )

"Den! You can let me out now!" Nyoko called out, I felt a bit of hesitation at the fear of my friend getting hurt but nonetheless, I did as she said.

I took a deep breath and told myself Nyoko was ok to make the barrier fade. I held onto my large metal shield tightly as a demon banged against it.

I was scared, more than anything. I didn't know what to do, I'm not a fighter. But I don't want my friends to head into danger without me.

If they choose to sign their lives away to save others, to save each other. Then I'll have to suck it up the best I can and follow them.

No matter how sick I felt, no matter how weak my legs felt. I have to keep pushing. I can't let myself get a grasp on the situation to save my sanity.

I just have to move.

I felt strength build in me at the thought of protecting those I love as if their memory made me stronger in more ways than anyone can imagine.

With all my strength I pushed back against the demon, I felt it stumble back as I put pressure on them. They tried to push back but I felt as if I was capable of overpowering it. My shield was as large as a wall making it hard for the demon to move as it pushed him.

"What. The. Fuck." It said in angry disbelief, I felt it stop once I managed to push it against a wall of a building.

I quickly made my shield smaller and smacked the demon with all my might. As my shield collided with the demon's arm, along with the loud thump I heard a loud crack as their elbow bent the wrong way.

The Demon screamed, I then quickly then summoned my glaive while the demon was distracted from the pain. I gripped my weapon with two hands as firmly as possible and lunged it forward to stab the demon.

Before my glaive could pierce it deep enough, the demon grabbed a hold of it, it held onto the part right below the blade.

I knew I should've let go of my glaive then and there, but instead, my immediate reaction was to grip it tighter.

Within a few seconds, my body was lifted and then slammed into the concrete, pain surged through my torso starting at my shoulder, my head was pounding and felt warm.

It all hurt, it hurt so bad. I couldn't move, I was struggling to breathe. Was that small mistake really all it took for this life?

I wanted to scream, to cry. But I was so dizzy from the pain that all I could do was puke as I lay against the wet concrete.

My ears were ringing and my vision was growing blurry.

All I could think about was the contract.

"Survive. Everyone."

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