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JACKSON EAGERLY WAITED IN, line with many items from the older woman's merchandise in his bag he carried along with him. He was already bouncing up and down just at the sight of Y/N right there, talking to fans, giving them her signature, and even taking pictures with some of them. Of course the finger was jealous by that, but he knew he'd get his chance, and plus, she knew who he was so he didn't sweat anything.

He waited and waited with a wide smile on his face, knowing he was only two people away from netting the love of his life for the first time in person.

The male had a long conversation with Y/N over text during the night before, but he noticed that she began getting dryer once he started spamming her or asking about her personal life, so he laid off of texting her for a bit, but still made sure that she knew he was going to bee there.

After long minutes finally passed by, it was his turn up next, and his heart was already leaping inside of his chest with each step he took towards the female that glanced back at him, a look of realization shown on her gorgeous features.

He waited for the next person with his teeth now biting hard against his bottom lips, and as he was fanboying over Y/N, he felt a hand tap him against his shoulder, causing him to turn his head behind himself only to see a short woman with dark straight hair, tan skin and freckles that dusted all over her cheeks.

"Hey, uhh.. are you Jackson?" She murmured underneath her breath while her friend that stood beside her giggled and blushed at her boldness towards him.

Now straightening up his posture while he tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, that's when the ginger nodded his head, "Yeah that's me..! Do.. I know you...?"

"No, hah!! But.. we do know you... You were one of the people that got a chance to call Y/N, am I right?"

Jackson's lips turned into an o shape as he nodded his head up and down once again, his red hair bouncing and brushing against his cheeks as he did so, "Yeah! I was her first caller actually!!! I think she really liked me!"

"Well it's great that you're here.. You can tell her!" She cheered for the man that felt his cheeks getting even hotter at the thought of Y/N telling him she'd wait for him.

Jackson shut his eyes and squealed, his fanboying becoming even worse and worse, "Funny story... She actually knows who I am!! I really believe that we're going to get married you guys!!"

The female beside the short woman chuckled at the enthusiasm that came from the redhead before she agreed with him as she clasped her hands together, "I agree!! Look at you, you're so cute! How could she reject a face like yours!!?"

"I don't know!" He breathed out as he looked down at the ground, his hand tightly gripping the bag in his hand while he bit on his bottom lip once again.

"Yeah! Hah... Anyway we actually came here because we wanted a photo with you! Would that be okay with you??" The short girl questioned as she slowly pulled her device out of the pockets of her jeans, her head tilting to the side as she watched Jackson's eyes go wide.

Jackson didn't know what to respond with at the moment. He didn't like the thought of just taking a photo with someone he never knew, but then again if Y/N was used to it, and if he was going to marry her, he told himself he had to get used to it as well.

Humming at the woman that stared up at him with determination hinted in her dark brown eyes, he pursed his lips awkwardly before he muttered a small, "Sure.."

The dark haired woman was already a few steps ahead of him because she stepped up right next to the redhead, pushed her arm out so that the camera was showing the both of them, and then she snapped a quick picture before she pulled it back to admire it.

"Oh my god! Is that Jackson Hart!!?" One of the women from far away called out, whipping her hand out just to point out the redhead that was patiently waiting in line with a smile on his lips.

He looked over to where the calling came out from, but he didn't know who it was that said that since now a bunch of people were looking his way with gasps leaving them.

There was a female not too far behind the dark haired girl that got a photo with the man, "Wait! Can I get a picture with you as well?!"

Jackson stiffened up a little, not knowing what to feel about all of the attention he was getting. He felt so awkward as he chuckled, trying to stay calm with what was happening, but before he could reply to the girls around him, he heard the sound of a deep voice coming behind him.

"Alright guys! Who's next??!"

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