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THE GINGER STARTED TO, grow very impatient with the celebrity, and he really hoped that she didn't fuck him over because he wouldn't know what to do if she did. He thought he probably would've went crazy and he really didn't want to start lashing out all because the woman wasn't by his side at that very moment, so he calmed himself down by running a hand through his hair while he paced back and forth at the side of the street, knowing that nobody would recognize him due to the darkness that also surrounded him.

Just as the redhead was about to move at an even faster pace, he heard some footsteps coming from behind him, so he quickly stopped in his tracks to whirl himself around, his heart only stopping at the H/C haired female that came his way with a dark dress on and a different makeup look.

The man stiffened up at the sight of the celebrity stopping right in front of him to show him a wide grin, and his eyes shined while his feet felt like they were already melting into the ground underneath him. He didn't even know what to say at the time, so he just told the girl what was on his mind, "Y/N...! You look so pretty...!! I just.. Want you to-"

"Alright, kid, let's relax now." After those words came from a deep yet familiar voice, it wasn't only then that the ginger noticed the same buff man from earlier standing behind Y/N with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm not a fucking kid. I'm twenty three." The redhead spat, trying to prove a point to the taller and clearly older man even though the security guard wasn't having any of it. It was like he could see right through him, and Jackson hated that so much.

"Alright guys, let's just stop," Y/N hummed awkwardly, gaining both the redhead and taller mans attention at the same time while she exhaled out of her nose before she turned to her security guard, "I don't wanna hear anything from you, Niko. You were the one that made me bring him along with us."

Knitting her eyebrows in confusion at what the celebrity was scolding him for, he shifted in his stance, ignoring the smug look that came upon the teens face, "I wasn't the one that made you bring him with us... You made that decision..!"

Y/N rolled her E/C eyes at the male that went by the name Niko before she leaned her face towards his, making sure that the ginger behind her couldn't hear her. "Yeah, well... You made me feel bad because you were acting like a dick towards him...! So.. this is the least I can do, alright? Plus, come on, the people will love him. The bold stunt he pulled gained me so many new fans!!"

"Ahhh, so you're just using him...??" The security guard grumbled under his breath as he watched the teen give him dirty looks while he did the same, crossing his scrawnier arms over his own chest.

The older woman bit on her bottom lip as she looked from side to side, a shiver going down her spine from the question, "I.. don't want to call it that, Niko... It makes me feel like a bad person..."

The security guard rolled his deep brown eyes but before he could let out another word, Y/N was already turning her back to him while she gave the blue eyed man yet another smile, "Hello, sorry about that..."

"No worries. I can tell that he's a lot to handle, Y/N," he joked with a small hint of seriousness behind his voice, listening to the laughter that escape past the celebrities lips.

After a few more chuckles were let out, she calmed her laughter down to stare up into the gingers unusually sparkling blue eyes, her heart thumping in her chest while she already began to feel hypnotized by him, "It feels like you already know so much..."

Jackson stared down at the woman with his eyes darting all over the features he loved so much, and he wanted nothing more but to give her many kisses right then and there, so he slowly leaned his face down towards hers, causing both her and the guard behind her to go alert.

Y/N shot her hand up to the gingers upper arm, resulting in him to freeze right before he pushed himself away from the girl with red cheeks, "Hey, Jackson... We should.. maybe wait... We still have that event to go to, and... I'm already getting a few looks from everybody around us, so... Let's hurry.."

Noting the way that the celebrity dodged him but not quite saying anything about it out loud, all he did was nod as he still kept his eyes on her, looking like a deer in front of headlights while she cleared her throat and took her E/C eyes off of him to turn herself around towards her car.

The ginger was about to open the door up for her, but she already beat him to it, only making their whole little thing even more awkward. Until she looked back at the boy and pushed her own hand out for him, "Come on, you can follow my every move."

The boy didn't waste anytime in slamming his hand in hers before he leaned to the side a little to shut the door with the reddest cheeks he'd ever had before. He felt like he was in a dream right now because everything he'd ever wanted was coming true.

After the door was finally shut, the boy relaxed a little and stared at the woman from the corner of his piercing blue eyes as he watched her every move with his heart leaping up in his body. He stared at her while she fixed her gorgeous H/C hair, her professionally done makeup, and even her dress that made her stand out enough. He wondered if that's the reason why she was taking a while for him.

As the girl was fixing some parts of her hair, she caught the teen looking at her from the corner of her own eyes, so she looked straight at him, adoring the flash of embarrassment that came onto his face while she giggled at his mannerisms.

The female dropped her bag to her side before she scooted closer to the redhead that now fiddled with his slender fingers, her hand being placed onto his shoulder, "Hey. It's okay to look at me. Just don't be all.. creepy about it, you know?"

Jackson just couldn't believe that he was being touched by the Y/N right now, and all he could do was try to focus on his breathing while he snapped his face towards hers so he could take in every little thing that came with her, "I.. Oh.. Okay... Thank.. you?"

"Anytime," she chuckled as she swooped her hand off of his shoulder, missing the sad look that formed over his handsome face.

The teen didn't know what to do during the silence that waved through him, so he decided to do something he'd always wanted to, his left hand raising while he cleared his throat to gain the attention of the woman beside him.

She glanced his way, confused as to what was going through his mind, but then she flinched at the feeling of a hand being placed against her thigh, so she paused a little at the realization.

Looking back down at the soft hand that trailed further down against her thigh, the female slightly parted her legs while she looked back up at the innocent looking ginger that had a glint of seductiveness in his blue eyes.

Her breaths started getting a little heavier as she felt the way the man rubbed his hand up and down on her thigh, but she still tried to remain calm because yet again, she barley even knew the guy.

Jackson himself was going crazy, but of course he didn't show it because he didn't want to embarrass himself.

The young male wanted nothing more than to touch her to make her feel good, but then again he didn't want to be labeled as some creepy guy that touches women without their permission, so he stopped the rubbing to refrain from doing something he knew he'd regret, unaware of the fact that Y/N actually wanted more from him.

He looked off to the window, pretending to appreciate the view from the other side while the deep voice from the front was heard, "We're almost there you guys,"

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