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THE CELEBRITY WAS VERY, glad to see that most people were taking her side, especially since they'd also witnessed the fact that Jackson had lied about his age, but others weren't so happy. They started making a bunch of false claims to paint Y/N out as the bad guy, and she truly thought that was disgusting. They would say she waited for him to turn eighteen, and they wondered how she couldn't tell that he was so young. She didn't think he looked young at all, she just thought his feminine features were extremely prominent.

Jackson was upset by all of the commotion, but what he was more worried about was the fact that Y/N hadn't spoken to him in a week. He was practically going crazy with each second without her, and he felt like his world was crumbling before his eyes. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, so he thought to get back in contact with the female once again.

Pulling his phone right out of his pocket with a frantic expression on his face, he dialed the number he already knew by heart and pushed the device against his ears, listening to it ring as he tapped his foot up and down against the floor, the worry that filled his heart growing even more. He hated the sound of the other end ringing. He just wanted her to pick up so this could all be over and they could fall inlove.

After a few more seconds flew by, that's when he heard a click from the other side of his phone, causing his heart to pause for a split second, "Y-Y/N... Is that you..? Do.. do you hear me??"

"Yes, I hear you." She mentioned with the coldness clear through her voice. She didn't know what she was doing at the moment. He could be plotting many different ways to continue ruining her career right then and there, so she had no clue why she was answering his call. Maybe it was because he seemed so desperate for her.

He didn't leave her alone at all and for some reason she wanted to know what it was he wanted from her. It wasn't clear if he had a motive to want to be with her or not, so she also wanted to figure that out as well. There was something so different about the redhead, "Hurry this up. I have somewhere I need to be.."

"W-Well, first off... Hi. I actually can't believe you decided to answer me...! I swear I was gonna go crazy with you Y/N... But, whatever. That isn't the reason why I called you. I really wanted to apologize to you some more. I want you to know that I'm genuine about my feelings for you, and that this wasn't some scheme to get people to turn on you. I know I'm young, Y/N... But please. I want to continue what we had going on... I need to continue... I.. I barley got to enjoy what we had. It.. felt like it disappeared so quickly. I never meant for any of this to happen... Please. I'm not a child..."

Lips parting while her E/C eyes narrowed, Y/N could've sworn she felt her blood run cold with the thoughts that passed through her mind at the moment. She cursed to herself for thinking any of the things she was thinking, and she was almost upset that she could sense how serious the redhead was being, "Hmmm..."

Jackson crossed his feelings as he sat himself down against his bed with low breaths he attempted to keep to himself, praying that she would take him back even though they weren't together in the first place, "What do you say, Y/N...? Another chance??"

"No." The older woman murmured out to the young man, her voice sounding brittle as she did so. She wanted him to get the hint, and she certainly didn't want him to think things could come easily to him. It was almost like she was teaching him a lesson, especially because of the damage he'd already done towards her.

Now that's when the teen felt his lip quivering and the water beginning to fill his baby blue eyes that squinted. Heart feeling empty and body running cold, he then mumbled a shaky, "What...?"

"You heard me, Jackson. I forgive you, but I don't think us being in contact with eachother is good for either one of us right now. Let's just act like we never met, and this'll be okay-"

"No.... Y-You can't do this to me, Y/N!!" Jackson raised his voice as he shot back up to his feet with the tears now spilling from his eyes that grew darker. His legs were now fumbling all over the ground as he began to pace around, trying to keep himself balanced while he bit on his bottom lip, waiting for the H/C haired female to say absolutely anything to him. He hated the sound of her own low breaths on the other side. He just wanted to be there with her, telling her that he truly was the only one meant for her.

"I'm sorry, but... this is better for us. I don't want to look like the bad guy, and I'm sure you don't want to either, Jackson." Before Jackson could even respond, he heard another click come from his device, and soon enough he was staring down his phone with wide eyes and longer sighs, his heart pumping quickly and his jaw clenched.

He knew he couldn't have this happen to him. He loved her, and he was sure that she loved him too. Or he was more sure she atleast loved him for those few days they had spent together. He didn't think it would be too hard to get her to fall for him again, and he had one thought in mind. A very evil thought that he knew wouldn't get her to like him at all. It wasn't like he cared though, he only wanted her, and if that meant making progress from something insane, he was going to do that.

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