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SHE TURNED HERSELF OVER, onto her stomach while she pushed her arms out, stretching as a slight yawn passed her lips. She and the redhead beside her went a couple rounds before, causing her to be exhausted from the amount of time they'd done it, but for some reason she didn't regret it all that much. She didn't know that the man could be so rough with her while being obedient and adorable at the same time, so that also really made her feel some type of way about him. Like there was something special about him. He wasn't a typical fan, and she could tell.

Jackson didn't do anything but lay down on his stomach with his head turned to the girl, his blue eyes looking all over her features as he caught his breath, his flush cheeks becoming more vibrant once he kept his eyes on her. He loved how she could take him so easily, and that only lead him to believe that they actually were soulmates. She was giving him a chance, so he also thought that just had to mean something.

Finally noticing the gentle stare the boy had on her, Y/N then looked in his direction with the ends of her lips turning upwards, making her seem so much more beautiful through his eyes, "Are you tired..?"

"Yes.. Only a little..." he responded in a heartbeat, his adams apple throbbing in his throat once again. He didn't know why he felt so nervous around her even though they just did what they did. He was feeling weak to his knees all over again, like he'd seen her for the first time again.

The older woman nodded her head with her own E/C eyes tracing the man's appearance, loving the tired expression that laid out across his face while she also recalled their session they finished having, but meanwhile she was doing that, Jackson was thinking about the memory of his nine year old self watching her on the screen, complete awe on his face as his cheeks heated up.

Clearing her throat, that's when the man snapped out of his thoughts and stared straight at her with his eyebrow slightly raising at her, wondering why she was beginning to pull herself up from his bed, "Ahh, well maybe you should get some sleep while I go and head home.."

"I was actually thinking that you could stay the night, you know? I wouldn't see the harm in that since you've been here most of the day, so.."

That's when a scoff left Y/N as she rolled her eyes and pushed herself up from the bed, unknowingly making the gingers heart ache in his chest before he followed her actions, also pushing himself up from his bed with a frown over his mouth. He really didn't want her to go since he felt like everything they'd done was a waste all because he wanted more time with her, "Jackson, I need to go... People might start to worry.."

"I don't care. I want you to stay..." he murmured with his messy hair slightly brushing against his bare shoulders, his head tilting to the side as a pout randomly started to show on his face.

She really wanted to tell him that there wasn't anything she could've done because she also had her own life to attend to, "I promise I'm not gonna try and cross the country to get away from you, Jackson... If you ever want to speak with me or meet up, you already know where to hit me."

Jackson furrowed his brows at the thought of himself texting her on nothing but her app, and he didn't like that thought at all. He wanted to be personal with her and he wanted to grow closer with her, so he just grew some balls and blurted out the question, "C-Can't I just.. have your number??"

Pausing for almost a split second, Y/N then glanced down to the side with a soft sigh coming from her mouth. She didn't want to deny right to his face because he could easily ruin her career by saying she used him for nothing but sex, so she made the final decision to give him a chance at getting to know the true her, "Ummm... Yeah, sure.."

"Great. My phones over here..!" Jackson turned himself around before he snatched his device up, turning back to the woman while he pressed his fingers against the numbers inside of his phone, not caring if she saw that his password was her exact birthdate.

Y/N leaned over a little before she took her own phone in her hand, tilting her head down so she could put in her own password, except she made sure that the redhead wasn't looking, causing his eyes to narrow at her as he silently took offense to her not allowing him to get her passcode. After she put in the numbers, she pressed on the little phone icon and tossed it to him.

He almost immediately took it in his own hands before he pressed his own numbers in, an almost shining glint filling his eyes while he felt he could almost burst from the excitement of even having her as a contact, "Okay, here!!"

"All done?" She smiled down at the man and took her phone back before she looked at the number, noticing the fact that he put a bunch of hearts behind his name, resulting in her to strain her eyes at it until she shook the thought away, deciding that she'll just change it later, "Okay, well anyway. I have to go, Jackson. I'll see you next time, yeah??"

Jackson was almost on his way to drooling at the little grin that wiped on her mouth. She always did something to him, even when she didn't mean to, "Yeah, of course. Whenever you want to see me, you can just call me, do whatever. It doesn't matter where I am, I'd always be free when it comes to you, so.. just remember that, alright Y/N??"

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