32. When Side-Effects Show Up!

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MS dragged a whiny Virat to the hospital as soon as Meera informed that the report has come. They knew the result but Virat had to meet the doctor for consultation. Virat was skeptical, because his back was still hurting from the last time and he didn't trust doctors to not do such thing again, no matter what anybody said.

The doctor made Mahi and Virat sit comfortably in her cabin as she told them about the disease. "I need you to follow the antibiotic routine strictly because if you miss the doses, there is little  I can do. Meningitis is very treatable, there is not much to worry" The doctor added with a sweet smile.

"Not much to worry? " Virat asked, repeating her words.

"Yes" She said confidently. Virat doubted that, the google had told him otherwise.

"Do the patients not go in coma because of this thing? And can't they die because of stroke because of this? " Virat asked. He wanted to confirm what he had read on google.

Mahi looked at the kid astounded. What the hell was he even talking? He sighed in relief as Meera entered the room just on time, he was glad he won't have to tell her this later.

"If things go worse, if they are not brought in hospital on time. In your case, there is hardly any such chance" The doctor explained.

Virat nodded in understanding, "Doctor, one more thing, how much chance is there that I'll recover completely? I mean without any complications like brain damage?"

Mahi wanted Meera to intervene, he was driving the doctor crazy but Meera thought it was better that Virat listened from the on duty doctor herself. She would deal with his google research later.

"Very good chance I would say" The doctor replied, "You are young, you are healthy, you have come on time, thats overall a very healthy case"

Virat looked pretty convinced this time, Mahi relaxed a bit but a moment later, he opened his mouth again, "I don't want to bother you much but one last thing I wanted to know, how many people actually develop those complications? "

The doctor was amused, the boy had come with full research. "What complications? " She asked on purpose.

"Like hearing disabilities, brain damage wo sab " Virat told.

"Not many" The doctor replied, "I don't remember the exact data, you didn't read about that? "

"No" Virat said, "But I feel even 1 out of 1000 is significant"

MS felt like pulling his hair, so did Meera. Why was the boy overthinking so much?

"I agree. Research is going on to combat that. For now, in your case I don't see any such chance. So you can relax " The doctor gave a sweet but tired smile.

MS dragged him out of the room muttering a thankyou to the doctor. He didn't know if the doctor had had enough, but he surely had. Meera too came out behind them.

"Mumma ke paas ruk tu, mai pharmacy se medicines leke aa rha hu" Mahi said and moved away. Virat looked at Meera, she too looked exasperated, had he really pissed off everyone?

Meera took him to her cabin and made him sit there. She handed him a glass of water, Virat took it and started sipping each drop slowly, because he didn't really want any confrontations.

But he had generalised weakness in the body, he could only hold the glass for few minutes. Virat drank the water and put the glass on the table. Meera turned her attention to him, she really needed to have a talk to the boy. Because if the illness didn't harm him, stress definitely would.

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