40. MSD and the Indian Cricket Team

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The next morning Virat had to return to his team. They had an early morning practice and then a get together at evening, at Virat's place. Mahi bhai had asked him to invite the team for the dinner and everyone gladly agreed.

So as planned, Virat reached home in the evening with the whole team, coaches and support staff. MS had organised everything himself. It was the first time that the team was coming at their place, precisely because it was the first time since Virat's debut that they were playing in Mumbai.

Virat introduced everyone to MS, though none of them indeed needed it. MS was already a famous entity and vice versa he knew the whole team. But as much as MS won't ever admit, he was damn excited to meet one man, one man whom he had admired from the day he saw him on TV for the first time. The man who is synonymous to cricket in India, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.

So when MS shook hands with Sachin, it lasted a couple of seconds longer. "Hello MS" Sachin greeted with a warm smile and MS blushed. Hard. "Hi sir" MS greeted back once he composed himself.

Sachin looked at MS with an affectionate smile. Looking at him, he didn't feel like he was meeting a rich business man that he is. Instead, he could see the same emotion Virat had when he had met him for the first time.

"Virat calls me paji. You can call me the same " Sachin replied. And the blush on MSD's cheeks got more pinkish.

"On the condition that you will call me Mahi" MS replied back. Sachin chuckled, he quiet liked the deal himself. "As you say, Mahi" The legendary batter spoke.

"Rishu, idhar aa" MS called Rishabh who was standing a little far, staring at them. He ran to MS as soon as he called.

"Rish, meet Sachin paji" MS tenderly spoke as he put an arm around the kid's shoulder. Rishabh immediately bowed down a little and whispered a nervous hello.

"Paji, this is Rishabh. Our youngest brother" MS said, introducing Rishabh.

"Rishabh" Sachin smiled, forwarding his hand for a handshake. Rishabh shook hands, not believing if it is happening for real. He had just come back from the academy, he had no idea what was in store for him at home.

"Virat talks a lot about you. He showed me some of your batting videos from the recent tournament you played. Amazing talent, keep it up kiddo" Sachin spoke as he ruffled his hair. Rishabh looked for Virat, did he talk about him to these stalwarts? Nevertheless, he couldn't help the 440 watt smile that was erupting on his face. MS held him a little tighter, getting a compliment from Sachin Tendulkar himself was indeed a moment to cherish.

"Mahi" This time Sachin spoke to MS, "Outstanding job. You must have been an amazing cricket yourself, no wonder both Virat and Rishabh are doing great. This game runs in your family right?"

MS smiled as he shook his head, "there's nothing like that". Virat's success was his own. He had seen him toiling hard, burning himself to get where he is. Rishabh was on the same path. Both had different game but the spirit remained the same.

"Stop being modest Bhai. Accepting that you are a damn good player won't make you any less of a business man, come on" Virat said, coming out of nowhere. MS simply rolled his eyes at him, which Virat ignored royally.

"Rishu, tu mila paji se? " Virat turned to Rishabh. The kid replied in a nod. "Paanv chhuye? " Virat asked again, getting serious. Rishabh nervously shook his head in no. Was he supposed to do that? The thought simply didn't occur in his mind. Is Virat angry now?

Sachin glared at Virat but the younger one just blinked at him, asking him to chill. "When God of cricket appears in front of you, this is basic courtesy, no? " Virat asked in a no-nonsense voice. The poor kid muttered a faint sorry and immediately bent down to touch Sachin's feet.

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