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3 1/2 years later

I was reading on my bed. My door waw open but my dad knock anyway. I look up at him. "Hay dad you okay." Yeah i have to go through make sure your brother goes to bed because y'all have school tomorrow he said. "Yes sir i will." Thank you Madeline he said. I heard the door closed. I walked to stiles room. "Don't even try." I see him getting a jacket on. What Maddie i not doing anything it just cold he said. He is a really bad liar. "No stiles don't go out go to bed you have school tomorrow and try outs go to bed." But maddie i cut him off. "No buts go to bed now." Fine he said taking off the jacket. "Thank you good night love you baby brother." Love you two maddie he said. I closed his door and when to my room and get undressed and put on some Pj and when to sleep.
The next morning i woke up. I alway take showers before school. After the shower i did some light make up and get dressed for school. Walk downstairs i see my brother and dad. Dad seem mad stiles. "What did he do this time." I found him the woods last night he said. "Stiles i told you to go to bed and you lied to me." Sorry is all he said. You two are going to be late so go. We both get into stiles jeep. Yes i have car but it is a not smart for us to drave two different cars to the same school.
I walk up to Linsey, Lydia, Jackson, and lily. Summers over girls and Jackson said Linsey. Lily rolled her eyes playful. Yeah you were in new Orleans for all of it how is your brother's and sister asked lydia. Oh yeah I forgot that your the youngest of your family Linsey said Jackson. OH also do you think you could come over Thursday and help me set up for the party lydia asked the three of us. Well of course girl we said. I'm going before you guys get to yelling said Jackson and he walked off.
After class lydia grabs me and we walk to a girl who at her locker. Allison right hi in lydia and this Madeline or maddie said lydia. "Oh my goodness where did you get your jacket it's cute." She told me and i gasps. "You are now with us and don't worry we won't bit" I could hear a girl asks Scott and stiles. How have the new girl been here for 5 minutes and is already part of Maddie group asked the girl. Because she hot everyone in maddie group is hop said Scott and stiles slapped his arm. Hay that my sister your talking about don't call her hot he said. I hears someone call my name. Maddie are you going to the party asked Allison. "The Friday night party of course." I look over at lydia and Jackson wait Jackson. "Jackson when did you get here." Maddie I said hello to you well I have to get to practice he said. Lydia grabs Allison arm and we all head to the lacrosse field. "I be right back" I go over to stiles and Scott. "You both get this I believe in both of you." Thanks Mads said stiles. I smile at him and Scott. Madeline go sit down said Coach Finstock. "Yes sir." I go sit back down by Lydia, lily, Linsey, and Alison. Does people call you the 4 L asked Alison. No Alison nobody calls us that said Linsey. We watch them play and Scott is magical really good. I look at Linsey and she look at and we both look lily and she give us a look saying she didn't do it. After they finish practicing I waited by stiles jeep. Madeline I am so sorry but we need to go look in the wood from yesterday to see if Scott inhaler is there said stiles. "Fine but you own me."
We where walking in the woods. I think I'm dieing Madeline Scott said. "What why wait you told dad you where the only person in the wood last night was Scott with you stiles." Yes Madeline Scott was with me he said. "You left Scott alone in the wood." Guys yell at each other later I can smell and hear things I normally can't he said. Like what stiles asked. Like the MIT gum in your pocket and the strawberry hairspray he said. No one can ever smell my strawberry hairspray. I don't have mit he was cut off when he pulled it out of his pocket. "So what if you smell and hear thing other can't." I was a little offended because I can smell and hear things people can't but that also because I'm a vampire. What if my body going to shut off any minute. No I think I'm heard of this before said stiles. I look at him. You have asked Scott. Yeah it bad it only happens once a month it's called lycanthropy. "Stiles don't." Scott starts to panic. Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo! Said Stiles. After he fake-howls like a wolf, and Scott shoves him away, causing Stiles to giggle in amusement. Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling he said. Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me said Scott. Your a werewolf man said stiles. I hope not that going to suck. Scott walk away from stiles. Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon said stiles. Scott and stiles not pay attention but I heard foot step I start to look around to see no way it can't be Derek hale. This is private property he yells. My eyes widened it really is him. Sorry man we didn't know he said. "We were just look for something but we will be leaving." Derek take his hand out of his pocket and throws it at Scott it was his inhaler. We leave the wood. "Scott stiles Linsey and lily are picking me up." Stiles nods and Scott and stiles leaves me in the school parking lot. I walk to the hale house. "Derek I know it was you." I got pushed against a wall. Madeline so who was the two kids you where with he asked. "My little brother and his friend Scott which now is a werewolf so tell me who was the girl." It was my sister Madeline who ever killed her is the new alpha he said. "Well shit that not good." My goodness Madeline you have grown up he said. "Derek I am also 19 now so I have grown a lot." I can see that he said. "My eyes up here Derek and I'm sorry for your lost at least you still have Peter." Thank you maddie do you think your brother remembers me he asked. "No I don't think so." Derek pushed me against the wall harder. "Woah calm down wolf boy you might break me." I smirk at him. Oh maddie you still smell like roses and strawberry he said. Well I had to cover the smell of death somehow. He let go of me. "So this new alpha kill Laura do you know who he is." No I don't but it's not safe for you to be here beautiful he said. "Believe me Derek I can protect myself." From a werewolf he said. "Yes from a werewolf." No you can't your just human maddie he said. "Your right but I'm not to stay out of it because stiles is my brother and he knows all about Scott." He smiles. Fine just be careful maddie he said. "I always am now I have to go bye derek." You shouldn't be walk in the woods alone he said. "Believe me I think I know these woods." I wink at him. I walk away back to where Linsey and lily to pick me up. Girl you look pale is everything okay asked Linsey. "I just saw Derek hale." What no way really Said lily. "Yep he's back and now we have to be more careful when we eat." Yeah we do said Linsey. We went to mu house to study. We where all Sitting on my bed when I heard a knock. "Hay dad." Hay Madeline and hello lily and Linsey well I have to go in make sure your brother do his homework and goes to bed and here 20 for pizza he said. "Dad I have money I can order pizza for everyone." Right okay well love you and be good he said and kissed my forehead. Your dad is so sweet said Linsey. I walk to stiles room.
Maddie what are you doing in my room he said. "Come down did you do your homework and I'm ordering pizza." Yes i did my home work I'm on call with scott he said. I walk to his computer to see Scott and Derek in his background. Stiles started typing to Scott. I made eye contact with Derek hale and give him the don't hurt him to bad. Hey stiles I have to go said Scott and left the call. "He will be fine stiles." Lily and Linsey walk in to stiles room. Your brother is so adorable said lily. "No he us the devil don't sat that to him." No I agree with maddie he threw holy water on me once said Linsey. Stiles smiled innocent smile.
The next morning was the first day of cheer practice. I walk downstairs and made breakfast for everyone. When my dad came downstairs I give him coffee. What did I do to deserve a drugther like you he said. "I don't know I'm pretty amazing." I laughed. After we all ate we when to school I had my cheer uniform on. I walk down the hallway to see Allison and lydia. "I wanna hit my head against a wall" I told Jackson. Why he asked. "Because I'm about tried of Mr Harris class already." He laughed as we walk up to them. You on the cheer team asked Allison. "Yeah at first Linsey made me my freshman year but now I'm cheer captain so." So what you two was laughing at asked lydia. "I said I wanna to hit my head against a wall because I'm about tired of Mr Harris class already." Lydia and Allison laughed too. I'm about ready for his class to be over too said Linsey behind me. "See I'm not the only one." Harris is the epitome of sad and depressed said lily. We all laughed. Well we have to go by Lydia, Jackson, and Allison said Linsey and we walked away. On the high school lascrosse fleid, Scott is preparing to go on the field for try-outs amd i was cheer him on. I was wearing my cheerleader outfit. "Scott you get this I believe in you." when Stiles frantically runs up to talk to us. Scott! Maddie wait up he said. Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man. Can it wait he asked. Scott tries to walk away, but I grabs him by the shoulder and stiles looks him in the eyes. "What is it stiles." Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods! Said Stiles. Stiles, I gotta go he said. Scott, distracted by the prospect of making first line, picks up his lacrosse stick and helmet before jogging onto the field. Wait, no! Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was! He said sadly. "That bitch, what about the body stiles." It was a wolf maddie he said. "Well see you later I have a team to run." I run over to Linsey and lily. "Did you hear that lins." Yeah do you think the new alpha trun Scott she said. If so we have a big problem he play one of the most violent want Sports ever, he's going to end up hurting someone said lily. "We need to start practice." We were practicing a routine when on eof the girl said woah look at that player. Scott and Jackson are up against each other for the lacrosse equivalent of a kickoff, and the two stare at each other for a long moment until Coach Finstock blows the whistle. Scott easily snatches the ball before he can even react, forcing him to chase after him as fast as he can. He spin out of the way when the other players try to tackle him, jumping over another player's ankle when they try to trip him, and finally, doing a hands-free round-off flip over three players who attempted to knock him down together, and shooting the goal by throwing the ball between the goalie's legs. All the girl scream on the squad but Linsey, lily, and I look at each other. McCall! Get over here! Yelled Coach Finstock. Scott jogs over to where Coach Finstock is standing and takes off his helmet. I trun to lily and Linsey. "This is bad." Agreed I know it going be difficult for you but you need to talk to Derek about Scott said Linsey. I agree with Linsey. We heard Coach Finstock yell. You made first line. Scott is so excited that he bounces happily, and all the players on the field and bench clap for him except for Stiles, who seems concerned by what Scott showed on the field. "Okay girls practice is over today go get clean up."

After practice, Stiles headed straight for his bedroom, when we get home which is very unlikely him. After some time I walked into his room. here he researching Werewolves on his computer. His online search starts with articles on Lycaon, said to be the first Werewolf, and moves on to articles about wolfsbane. Some time later, Stiles moves on to reading an old, battered book titled The History of Lycanthropy, before going back to the computer and searching online for articles about silver as a weakness of Werewolves. Finally, Stiles, looking concerned about what he's read so far, prints out an old sketch of a Hunter aiming a crossbow at a transformed Werewolf. "What in the world why are you being so weird." Get out of my room maddie he said. "Fine have fun leaning about something that doesn't exist." I walk out of room and went downstairs. I was studying on the couch when their was a knock on the door. I get up and go and open to see Scott. "Hay Scott what are you doing here." Stiles asked for me to come over real quick is he in his room he asked. "Yeah I heard you taking Allison to the party tonight good for you." He smiles and go upstairs to stiles room I sat back on the couch and listened to what they are talking about. You gotta see this thing. I've been up all night reading-- websites, books, all this information. Said said. How much Adderall have you had today asked Scott. I really need to hide the Adderall. Doesn't matter, okay? Just listen stiles said. Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it asked Scott. No, they're still questioning people. Even Derek Hale. Stiles said. Derek hale really. Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day asked Scott. Yes. But that's not it, okay said stiles. So Remember the joke from the other day asked Stiles. Not a joke anymore. The wolf, the bite in the woods... I started doing all this reading. Said Scott. Shit he not going to drop this he going to make Scott mad at him. Do you even know why a wolf howls asked stiles. Should I asked Scott. It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'em. Stiles explained. A whole pack of wolves asked Scott. No scott Werewolves said stiles. I can hear Scott stand to his feet. Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour Scott said by annoyed by stiles. I saw you on the field today, Scott, okay? What you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible my brother said. Yeah, so I made a good shot he said. I rolled my eyes Scott can be so dumb sometimes. No, you made an incredible shot! I mean, the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes? Y'know, people can't just suddenly do that overnight. And there's the vision, and the senses, and don't even think I don't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore stiles said in annoyness. Okay! Dude, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow Scott said. I text Linsey thag Scott is coming to the party and may wolf out so I be their. Me and her can helpful get him to the forest in time. Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it said explains. What are you trying to do? I-I just made first line. I-I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it asked Scott. I hate him sometimes. I'm trying to help stiles yells. You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak he said. Shit I forgot the bloodlust part. Bloodlust question scott. Yeah, your urge to kill said stiles. I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Stiles said Scott mad. I get up and started to walk up the stairs. You gotta hear this-- "The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse." All right? I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date said says. I'm gonna call her right now my brother said. What are you doing asked Scott. As I walk in stiles room. I'm canceling the date said stiles. No, give it to me yelled Scott. Scott grabs the phone out of Stiles' hand, dropping it on the floor before shoving Stiles against the wall and raising his right fist, preparing to punch him in the face. I grab his fist and give him a look that say touch my brother and I kill you. Scott lets go of Stiles and instead throws his desk chair across the room before coming back to himself. Stiles looks horrified, and Scott immediately begins to regret what he's just done. I'm sorry he said. "Just go." I walked out of the room and text Linsey. I walked to my room and changed into a dress that I prepared with leather jacket. Stiles knocks on my door. "Yeah you need something." Are you still going to the party he asked. "Yeah I am you wanna come." Yeah he said. "Then let's go little brother.

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