02 - New Girl

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She ate the liver and asked Scott. No, I didn't say she ate it-- I just said it was missing, said Stiles. "She probably ate it." And, you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body said Stiles, defending Lydia. I never ate anyone's liver said Scott. Yeah, right. 'Cause, when it comes to Werewolves, you're a real model of self-control said stiles sarcastically.  "You did almost punch stiles face in if I didn't stop you."  Then stiles face light up like he had an idea. Actually, wait - hold on. You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you said Stiles. What do you mean said, Scott? I mean, like, what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to asked Stiles. Allison said Scott. "Guys, not all werewolves are the same. Your turning is not going to be like hers." Really, how do you say Stiles. "Remember idiot, know about the supernatural longer than you." Right forgot, he said. Maddie, have you seen the new girl said Lily. We trun to see Lily. "No, there is a new girl." Yeah, she freshman like stiles and Scott she told us. We heard grasp  we all truned our heads to a girl who had long curled dark brown hair with blue eyes. Damn said stiles. She was at her locker, and Linsey went up and hugged her. "Linsey knows her." Apparently, do you think she's enough like us asked Scott. "What supernatural, maybe." Well, she hot said stiles. That she is said Lily.  "Well, you three can stare all you want. I'm going to go talk to her."

I walked over to Linsey and the new girl. "Hi Linsey and hi, my name is Madeline, but people call me Maddie." Davina, so Linsey, this is the girl you were talking she said. Yes, Maddie Davina is the original Wolfwitch Linsey said. I prefer to call werewitch it sounds better, she said. "So you're a immortal witch." Yes," she said.  Davina is my original sister through we aren't really sister said Linsey. "It's like how you and Ezra are brother and sister, but you two aren't actually related." Yep she said. We were all friends with the mother of Vampires said Davina. She a bitch and crazy one at that she hasn't been seen in years so that good said Linsey. The bell rang. "Bye I have to get to class."

After school I walked into my room throwing my bag onto my bed. Today must have sucked said Derek. "It did." What wrong he asked. I fell back on my bed. "I can help this feeling that something bad going to happen. I mean there a new girl at school to she seem really nice. I just can't stop the feeling that Linsey and her family is hiding something from me."  Or maybe your just overthinking it he said. "Maybe, but what if in right what is so important that Linsey won't even tell me." Maddie, take breath. Okay, it will be fine. I'm sure Linsey is not hiding anything from you he told me. "Yeah, you're probably right, so how was your day." Hay maddie are you ready yelled my dad from downstairs. "Shit I forgot." Yeah I be right there. "Sorry Derek, I have to go to the funeral." Of course I will see you later he said. I kissed him.  "Differently."

I changed into a black dress and went downstairs. What took you so long he asked. "Couldn't find what shoes to wear." Black heel or black flats my dad said. "Yeah but I have a lot of black heels and flats." Oh okay let's go he said.

My dad made reporter back off of the Argent family. I went up to Allison and hugged her. I saw Chris tense. "It's okay to cry. She was still family." I wishper to her. Thank you she said. I sat with Allison. Do you remember me a old man asked. She shakes her head no. Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me "Grandpa." So, if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being he said to her. He looks at me, and his eyes widen. "Hello sir, my name is Madeline. I'm friends with Allison." Madeline, I'm sure it is he said. He walked over to Chris and his wife. "Scott here. I be right back I send Linsey to sit with you." She nods. I went over to Scott and stiles. "That Mr Argent dad." Dang said Scott. Four-one-five Adam said my dad radio. Stiles and I loon at him. I didn't copy that did you say four-one-five Adam my dad asked the radio. Disturbance in a car said stiles. They were taking a heart attack victim, DOA, but on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em said the officer over the radio. What-- hit the ambulance my dad asked. Copy that. I'm standing in front of it now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere said the officer. All right, Unit Four, what's your twenty my dad asked. Route 5 and Post. I swear, I've never seen anything like this said the officer. All right, take it easy. I'm on my way my dad said to his radio. He look at the three of us. Now for you three he said. "We can just come with we won't do anything." Fine come on he said.

When we pulled up. I had a strong smell of blood. "What the hell is Lydia doing." I don't know said Scott. What kept you from doing that? Was it Allison my brother asked Scott. I hope so he said. Do you need to get closer asked stiles. No I get it he said. Just-- I need you to find her. All right? Please, just-just find her my brother pleaded. I will he said. We both heard noise we look around. We see a Omega. You're not Lydia said Scott. He started to run and Scott ran after him. I was about to but then I smelt Lydia. She always smells like roses and ocean. I started to look around to see her stand on a hill. "Lydia!" Lydia yelled stiles. She came down the hill I grab my dad jacket and gave it to her. Thank you she said. "I'm glad your so what okay."

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