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Flash back
Derek we are going to get in trouble we can't just leave practice early a younger Madeline said. Maddie it's fine and plus you don't even like cheer your friend Linsey made you try out Derek said. He grab Madeline hand again and they ran through the hallway only to be stop be Mr. Harris. They both stopped. Mis Stilinski and Mr hale what do you think you two are doing in the hallway of the school he asked. Mr. Harris I hurt my arm in practice and Derek taking me to the nurse Madeline lied. Mr. Harris look at both of thrm for a moment before stepping back into his classroom and closing the door. Maddie let out a breath. Dang madds your a really good lier Derek said as they walk out the front door of the school to his car. Linsey amd lily going to kill me for leaving practice maddie said. Don't worry I practice you he said. They kissed then someone clear their throat they both pulled away to see Derek uncle Peter. Madeline look down blushing embarrassed. Well aren't you two suspect to be somewhere else he said and smirked. Peter I was taken her home he said. So you two left practice early just to take her home you know I know when your lieing don't worry I won't tell your mom just go you two and don't get her pregnant he said. Madeline blushed even harder. Peter wasn't one two say anything. But he glad that Madeline and Derek finally get together they have been friends for years but now they are more then friends. He wonder if Madeline is Derek mate then he never be able to stop what's going to happen. He thought now where is that stupid vampire. Peter walk through the school trying to find Linsey he couldn't fund her and it made him a bit mad. He try again another day.
End flashback
Lily pov
I was sitting with stiles he kept tell how he's mad at Scott for not trying to save his dad and that my aunt izzy had to. He wasn't talking at Scott at the moment. Linsey was out today she had one of her siblings show up at her house out of the blue so she dilling with her brother Ezra  he noble so I don't think he will do anything. Then Madeline is hunting for the alpha and for food. So here I am sitting with Madeline brother because I have nothing better to do. Scott comes over and sits down and stiles pulls his book up hiding Scott face. Still not talking to me he asked. "Nope he quit mad at you I mean I am two but my aunt know a healing spell so." You know I feel really bad about it, right he said to me and stiles. "You better I can curse you in I wanted." He look scared. Okay. What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and... that I went to Derek for help Scott told us. Good he could help. If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting im. But, obviously, I'm not talking to you he said. "Stiles I wanna know just talk to him please." He let down his book and look at Scott. What did he say he asked Scott. Scott told us about the conversation that he had with Derek yesterday. Wh--? He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry stiles asked. "I mean it make sense I anger is the trigger how much anger can you have before you can't control yourself and then you have to learn to control it." They both look at me. All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me he said sarcastically. I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it he said. See I was right.
"You can teach people to control their anger they have to learn that themselves." Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that asked stiles. I don't know. I don't think he does, either Scott said. Oh he does you have to find someone who can bring you out of your anger like Madeline did for him but I can't say that because they don't remember anything from Madeline and Derek being together. Okay. When are you seeing him again stiles asked. He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day he said. That didn't even answer they question. "When." He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work Scott said. After work. All right. Well, that gives me and lily to the end of the school day, then he said. I look confused. "To do what?" Teach Scott ourselves stiles said. This is going to end badly.
I walked over to the table with Allison and lydia. "Hay girls." Hay please sit down Allison is read a book and I'm really bored lydia said. The Beast of Gevaudan Allison said. "The what of who?" The Beast of Gevaudan. Listen she said. A quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bête killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Louis XV sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it Allison read out loud. Boring lydia said to me. I rolled my eyes. Even the Church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan she read out loud. Still boring lydia said. I rolled my eyes at her again. Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid Allison read. (Yall I had to look this part up I had no idea how to speel most of these words.) Slipping-into-a-coma bored lydia said rolling her eyes. While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shapeshift into a man-eating monster she continues. "Any of this have anything to do with your family?" This she said nodding. It is believe that La Bête was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature. His name was Argent. She read. Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what lydia asked sarcastically. Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you Allison asked us. Turning the book around to reval something that look exactly like the alpha. Lydia seem to be scared. "Lydia." Lydia Allison said. It looks... like a big... wolf lydia said and get up. See you two later she said walking away. Allison look at me and I shrugs. "I have to help stiles with something see you later Ali." Bye see you later lily we still need to have a sleep over she said. "We do." I walked away.
Madeline pov
I sit in the hospital room with Peter. "Hay Peter um Derek and I are talking again." He sat by the window as I sat by him. "He kissed me I also saved him from being shot by a hunter." I took a breath. "Peter I wish you were healed all the way but your not and I can't heal you." I look put the window. "The alpha is someone I know I asked myself if it was hake but a hale wouldn't kill their own family. But what if someone else survived the fire." I played with my hands. "Oh I forget to tell you I'm the captain of the cheer team. I never stopped doing cheer because Cora I guess in some way I keep her memories alive." I brought my knees to my chest into he over size chair. "I remember when I use to come over and teach her some cheer moves she loved cheer so much." I wiped a tear off my face. "I miss all of them if only I was a vampire back then I could have tried and saved them but I didn't even know until my dad called me." I could have help I could have saved you so you wouldn't be like this.  I wip more tears off my face. "Happy thing happy thing I need to say happy things." I wiped the tears off my face. My eyes widened for a scound I thought I saw his hand move. I heard someone come in it was Derek. "Hay Derek." He sat in front of Peter. I need your help. If you can hear me, I need you to give me a sign. Blink. Raise a finger. Anything. Just... Just something to point me in the right direction, okay he said to Peter. "Derek" I said softly. Someone killed Laura. Your niece, Laura? Whoever he is, he's an Alpha now... but he's one without a pack, which means he's not as strong. I can take him. But, I have to find him first he said. I just watched him. Look, if you know something, just give me a sign. Is it one of us? Did someone else make it out of the fire he said. Just give me anything! Blink! Raise a finger! Anything! He said anything he yelled. Let him go his nurse said. I grab his hand. "Derek it's okay." I can feel him clam down. after six years of this, yelling at him is going to get a response his nurse said. Got a better method he asked. Try what Madeline doing talking to him and telling him everything that happens in your life, Patience. He'll respond if you give him the time she said to Derek.  I don't have any more time he said. Derek walked out. "I should go make sure he doesn't do anything have a good day Peter and  nurse Jennifer." I walk after Derek. "Derek." I called out to him as he walked to his car. What he snapped. I look at him. Sorry maddie he said. "Where are you going."  To the animal clinic he said.  I get in his car. "Then I'm going to." Madeline he said. "Nope too late I'm already going." He let out a sigh. Then started his car drove to the animal clinic.
We parked and walked in. Can I help you two he asked. Hope so. I want to know about the animal you found with the spiral on its side Derek asked him. Excuse me? What animal the vet lied. "Three months ago. The deer." I remember my dad saying something about it. Derek pulled out the picture. You remember this Derek questions him. Oh, yes. It's just a deer. And, I didn't find it-- they called me because they wanted to know if I'd ever seen anything like it he said. "What'd you tell 'em?"  I told them "no he lied. Did you hear that Derek asked me. Hear what the vet asked. "The sound of your heartbeat rising." I smiled. Excuse me he asked. It's the sound of you lying Derek said. I also hear his blood going through his body and I haven't even had blood today like I was you supposed to so I'm hungry. We tired him up. "Are you protecting someone?" All right... the key to the drug locker is in my pocket he said. We don't want drugs-- We want to know why you're lying Derek said. I don't know what you're talking about. What are you doing to me? What do you want he said. I try to compel him but it didn't work. "He on vervain."  I don't know what you're talking about. What are you doing to me? What do you want he said.  "I want to know who you are or who you're protecting." I show him my vampire face and he look completely clam. What are you two doing asked Scott. Scott, get out of here the vet yelled. Derek punch him knocking him out. Look, when he's conscious, he can keep himself from healing, but unconscious, he can't Derek said. My face went back to normal. Are you out of your mind? What are you talking about he asked. You want to know what the spiral means, Scott? It's our sign for a vendetta-- for revenge derek said "It means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied." You think he's the Alpha asked Scott. I don't think a the vet is the alpha but he hiding something. We're about to find out Derek said about to hit him. Hit him again, and then you'll see me get angry scott said. I grab Derek  arm. "What's your plan or do you even have a plan." Just give me an hour he said. Then what Derek asked. Meet me at the school. In the parking lot he said. Scott left. Help me put him in the car Derek said. "Nope that all on you big bad wolf." He rolled his eyes. "Derek I have a bad feel about this." It will be fine I'm pretty sure the vet is the alpha he said. That doesn't make sense I never mat this man in my life but the alpha said good to see you again and know my name. We get in the car after Derek put the vet in the back tried up.
We drove up to the school. To see stiles blue jeep. Lily, Stiles, and Scott get out. Where's my boss asked Scott. "In the back." Oh, well, he looks comfortable my brother said sarcastically. "What are you even doing here you could get hurt." Say the one person who used to tell me everything now is hiding things from me he said. I get that he's hurt for me not tell him that I'm a vampire. "I was trying to protect you." Peotect me, im your brother you used to tell me everything but now i don't even see my sister now. I can't believe he said that. He started to walk away with scott. Lily hugged me. "I get that he's mad but gezz." We heard a sound like a brid dieing. You've got to be kidding me Derek said. This is going to end badly lily said. I rolled my eyes. Then we heard a strong loud howl. It was hurting my ears. Soon Scott and stiles walked out of the school laughing. I'm gonna kill both of you yelled Derek. "What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?" Sorry... I didn't know it would be that loud Scott said. Yeah, it was loud... and it was AWESOME my brother said. I rolled my eyes. Shut up said Derek. Don't be such a sour-wolf my brother said. I wanted to laugh. What'd you do with him asked Scott. The three of us look in the back of Derek car. :We didn’t do anything" I felt claws go into my stomach and I heard lily and stiles yelling maddie. I look to see Derek drop to the ground he wasn't dead I could hear his heart beat but the alpha bit and snapped my neck. I feel to the floor lifeless. They last thing I heard was lily and stiles yelling my name.

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