03 - Isaac

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Madeline pov

We walked into Derek's so-called house. "Derek, babe, this isn't a house it Railway Depot." I truned it into a house, he said. "Really couldn't find a better place." Well, no, and plus, this place has everything I need, he said. There is a training area. I pointed at the pull-up bar. "What going to do pulled up? I bet I could beat you." Mhm and look hot while doing it he said. I walked over to the pulled up bar and jumped on did 5 pull up effortlessly and jumped down. "We should train together sometime." I would like that he said. "I would beat you." Sure, why not do it right now he said. "Okay, you're on alpha werewolf."

We were fighting. I flipped him, and he jumped back up. We started to fight again. I flip over him and drop to the ground, and kick his leg out from under him. I stand up with a smile. He jumped back up. He ran at me, and I blocked him. I was too busy on his upper body. I didn't realize he had moved his leg so he could trip. I fell back, and I grabbed his shirt, making him fall back with me. I think I won, he said. I giggled. I flip us over. "Sure, let's say that." I lent down and kissed him. We both heard a panicked voice. Derek Derek, the voice yelled. We both got up fast, and we saw a boy around Stiles. What's wrong, Derek asked. My dad, I think he's dead, said the boy. What did you do, Derek asked firmly. That's the thing. It wasn't me, he said. "Wait, what, um, guys, I don't know what's going care to explain." I trun him said Derek. Hi, I'm Isaac he said. "I'm Madeline." I know who you are. Did he trun you too he asked. "Nope, I'm his.................. girlfriend Sure, let's go with thag." What happened to your dad asked Derek.

the next day~

Davina pov

Aw, school where all hopes go to die. I can't believe Linsey wanted me to come here. This place reeks of depression. I look around to see Madeline with two other guys. It scares me how much she looks like Irene, but she is way different. I just hope Irene doesn't find out she exists. One of the boys she smells like a wolf. Must be something McCall I can't remember. I walked up to them. "Hi guys." Oh hay, Davina said Madeline. Um, hello hi, om I'm stiles said the buzz cut kid. "Hello, Stiles, nice name very unique." He blushs. Thank you, he said. I'm Scott said the boy by him. He had big brown eyes. "Hi, scottie." So Davina, how was your first day asked Maddie. "It was great this place reeks of depression." What he asked. "Listen Scott your a werewolf. I know that Maddie is a vampire. I also know, and you're human, so." They both look at Maddie. I didn't say anything, she told them. "Didn't need to. I can smell you." The bell rang, and I walked away with a smark on my face.

Maddie pov

I was walking out of the locker room with cheer clothes on. I see Matt. "Hi Matt, get any interesting pictures today." No, not really, but your friends Jackson asked for some film equipment he said. "Jackson and I aren't really friends anymore, but don't worry, he takes care of your equipment." Come on, Maddie, we going to be late said Lily, walking out of the locker room. "Right bye, Matt." Bye Madeline he said.

Getting out to the field. The lacrosse team is already out. Tonight the full moon said Linsey. Yep has Derek truned anyone yet asked Lily. "Yes, a kid named Isaac." Wait Isaac the sweet freshman asked Lily. "I don't know." Does he have blonde hair blue eyes he has a innocent look said Lily. "Yeah." Then that is sweet boy Isaac said Lily. "Um okay." Davina walked out in a lacrosse uniform. Lily and I look at Linsey. What she needed something to do and plus she can take down any of the boys on thag team said Linsey. Who even is she asked Lily. She my sister said Linsey. "She also very passive aggressive." Sounds about right said Linsey. She going to destroy any boys on the team said lily. "If coach Finstock let's her play." He going to said Linsey. I see Scott runing to goal. "Why is Scott playing goalie." He probably trying to find out who the other werewolf is said Lily. McCall! The position's goalkeeper, not goal-abandoner yelled Coach. I giggled we started practicing.

Hay why are the police here asked one of the girls. Why is your dad here asked Linsey. I tried to listen. "Their look for Isaac they think he killed his dad." We watched Isaac walk off the feild with the police. Maddie tonight the full moon said lily worried. "I know we need to get Isaac out of there." Soon practice ended and Davina throw a goal like it was nothing and coach Finstock was shocked considering she was the only person that get passed Scott.

I meet up with Scott and Stiles. Why would Derek choose Isaac asked me. I shrug. Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you... And maybe teenagers have a better chance at surviving stiles questions. Wrong buzz cut some body's can't stand the bit and it kills you said Davina walking up to us. Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him Scott asked stiles and I. They walked into class with Davina and I head to class.

Madeline, a voice said. I looked around the hallway was empty. I continue walking to my class. The. I felt someone throw me. I was stap with a paol. I look up to see myself. Honestly you like so much like but your so weak the girl said. I must be going crazy. I pulled out the pool. Sleep tight Madeline she said. She snapped my neck.

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