01 - Lydia missing

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Maddie pov

Everything in Beacon Hills seems to be normal finally. It's been weeks. Lydia is still in the hospital, but she is getting better. Derek and I relationship is going strong. I was lying beside Derek. My dad was at work, my brother at the hospital with lydia. What do you think about asked Derek. "Just how clam thinks have been with Peter gone things are getting back to normal." Yeah, I agree he said. I sat up after my computer went off. I walked over to it. What are you doing he asked. "See if it's one of the colleges I applied for." So what are you going to do after Scott he asked. "I'm going to go to medical school to be a doctor." Really, he said. He laughed. "I know it's ironic. I'm going to be a doctor when I am a vampire." It's funny he said. "I want to help people that what I'm always wanted to do. When I truned into a vampire, I thought that I wouldn't be able to do that anymore, but I have no blood lust." Is it not weird to you that you have no blood lust asked Derek. "At first, it was because I was a new vampire, and I didn't want to throw myself on someone if they got a paper cut." We both stopped talking when we heard a scream. "Lydia?" My phone started to ring it was my brother.

Lydia ran away from the hospital. She naked, he said. "She naked, but it's really cool outside." We need to find her said Stiles. "Okay, I will meet you and Scott at the hospital." Scott not at the hospital said stiles. "Then call him." I hung up on him. "I'm sorry, Derek, I get to go. You know where the window or the door is." I change my outfit.

We are at the hospital. Stiles hold a hospital gown. "This is the one she was just wearing?" He nods. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again said Scott. All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her said stiles. Why do I have to do it? maddie can do, said Scott. "No, I can't. Vampires don't pick up scent as werewolf can." Really, that a thing asked stiles. "Yes, now lest talking more finding."

We walked to the wood. We heard noise. Out came Allison. What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us said Scott. I don't care she's my best friend, and we need to find her before they do, "said Allison. I can find her before the cops can say Scott. "How about find before Allison father does." Does he he know asked Scott. Allison nods. Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs, she told us. Search party said Scott. I rolled my eyes. "More like a hunting party." All right, but if she's turning, would they actually kill her asked stiles. I don't know. They won't tell me anything, okay? All they say is, "We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here said Allison. What others asked stilww2es. "Probably more hunters." I don't know, they won't tell me that yet said Allison. "Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on." Scott, are we going the right way asked stiles. Take the next right said Scott.

We continue walking. We walked up to the Hale house. She came here? You sure asked stiles. Yeah, this is where the scent leads said Scott. All right, but has Lydia ever been here asked stiles. Not with me. Maybe she came here on instinct-- like she was looking for Derek said Allison. "But he wasn't here." All three of them look at me. "What." How do you know that asked stiles. "He was with me." I don't wanna even know said Stiles. We look around. But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack asked Allison. Yeah, we're.. we're stronger in packs said Scott. Like, strength in numbers asked Allison. No, like-like, literally stronger, faster... Better in every way said Scott. Is that the same for an Alpha asked Allison. "It's make Derek stronger to." Whoa, hey! Look at this! You see this? I think it's a tripwire said stiles. Scott and Allison walked over to stiles. I was about to walked over then something grab my foot and I brought up in the air. "Hay guys." Yeah sis said stiles. All of them truned around. "Next time you see a tripwire? Don't trip it." Yep noted he said.

Allison went to cut me down. I heard footsteps. Wait someone coming said Scott. "Hide." The three of them ran and hide. I saw three guys walking up to me. "Well if it isn't Chris Argent, hi." How are you doing he asked fakely. "Good. You know, just hangin' out just looking for human to eat." One of the hunter pointed the bow at me. Why are you out here by yourself he asked. "Well I was already out here looking for food and you know strawberry blonde." Can't believe you help a werewolf but then again it always seem like now a days vampires seem to be help werewolf more often he said. "Yeah what can I say thing change. Wanna talk about thing changing let's talk about when you were in High and was in love with a Vampire that your father killed." The other hunter pointed the gun at me. Linsey just tell you everything doesn't she. You know she's a friend of Allison's, and one special circumstance such as yourself? I can't handle another supernatural friend he said. Do you know what a hemicorporectomy is asked Chris. My eyes widened. "A medical term for amputating someone at the waist. Cutting them in half. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that." Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary he said to me. "Have a good night." You to he said as they walked away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. After Scott cut me down I flipped and landed on my feet. I started to walked. The three of them look at me. "Remember vampire and cheerleader let's go find Lydia." Right said stiles. I rolled my eyes at them.

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