I. Don't. Like. School.

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I woke up knowing it was a Sunday and school was tomorrow. I was still in a good mood though. My brothers were already up and Steve and Johnny were here. Steve and Soda were talking on the porch and Johnny and Pony were on the couch while Darry was on the armchair. 

Today I wanted to just go out alone and maybe get some shopping done. I wanted to have a good day. I knew one of these days Pony and I would have to make up. I'm not worried about it. He doesn't control who I hang out with. At least things are better with Steve. 

I grabbed some black ripped jeans and a black top with my leather jacket. God, I look like a greaser today. Which isn't a bad thing. (ignore that smile...Creepy asf in my opinion...)

I picked up my purse from the corner of my room and slipped on my shoes

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I picked up my purse from the corner of my room and slipped on my shoes. When I got out of my room Darry asked where I was going. Like always. "I wanted to go into town and hit up some stores." I said. "With some friends?" Darry asked. Pony looked right into my eyes. He honestly scares me sometimes. Not even in a scary way. "Nah. I'm goin alone." I said. "You should take one of the boys with you. I don't want you getting hurt." He said. "You think I can't take care of myself?! Well i'm goin alone Darry." I said almost angrily. "You've been jumped many times and I don't want you gettin hurt." He said. "I said I can take care of myself. I'll stay out of trouble." I said. "No y/n. You aren't leaving." Darry yelled back. "You know what? Fuck off."I yelled without thinking. Then I stormed out of that house. 

Without some stupid boy to protect me.


I walked through the town and saw some stores. I decided to go to Macy's (I looked up popular stores in the 1960's lol). Maybe I'd find some cute clothes there or something. It's not like I could buy much there anyway though. I walked in and the store just screamed soc. There were dresses and necklaces and lots of soc girls shopping there. I decided to look around anyways. 

"Y/n?" someone said. I turned around and saw Marcia. "Hey Marcia." I said. "Sorry about what cherry said the other day. Sometimes thoughts get put in her head. Her family and her boyfriend all hate greasers." She said. "You don't have to apologize. I got it. Besides, I forgot about that." I said. She nodded and went back to looking at expensive jewelry. 

People kept giving me weird looks because I was looking around and I guess I didn't look like the type to buy this kind of stuff. So I decided to check out some other stores. As I was walking around I ran into Duncan. I usually don't see many people I know while shopping. He looked at me for a second then started walking up to me. 

"Hey y/n, didn't think I'd see you today." he said. "Oh hey Duncan. I was just shopping." I said. I guess I forgave Duncan. He was a nice person. "Wanna um...Hang out sometime?" he asked. "Su-" I was about to say sure but I guess I was cut off by some socs coming over. Duncan gave them a look. As if he was saying don't come near me. Randy was there as well. Stupid Randy. "Picked yourself up a new little broad huh duncan?" Randy said. "No. Stop it Randy." Duncan said. They kept looking at each other. I couldn't read Randy's emotion. I had no idea what he was thinking. "Stop it? Little Duncan's trying to tell me what to do." Randy said while grabbing around my neck and holding my arms behind my back. "LET ME GO." I yelled. Nobody cared because I was just a greaser and they were Socs. "Hey Randy stop." Duncan said. "Stop acting like a greaser Duncan." one of the socs said. With that Duncan went up to Randy and tried to pry him off me. Then, Randy punched Duncan. Like really hard. I think he might have knocked him out. Randy and the socs started beating me up and one of em even brought out a knife. I felt a blade running down my arm. I tried covering my face from his punches but when I touched my face it was covered in blood. It all went dark.

When I woke up everyone was gone. I was in the middle of the alley My arm was cut and covered in blood. My lip was swollen and bleeding. And I probably had a lot of bruises on my face too. I didn't have the energy to get up. So I just laid there. 

Soon I felt myself being lifted up. Was I dead? I suddenly felt warm even though it was cold. As my eyes focused I saw that I was moving forward. I was being carried. I looked up and saw "Dally?!" I said. "Whew. Your okay doll. Had me worried. What happened." He said. "S-s" I could barely speak cause of my stupid lips. "Socs v-beat me up" I managed to say. "D-d-on't bbring me home." I said. "Why not doll. You can't stay here." He said. "Darry yelled at me. Told me n-not to get into trouble and that I needed someone to p-protect me." I said. "How bout I take you to bucks." 

"Okay. Thank you." I said as I slowly felt my eyes closed and I drifted to sleep. When I woke up I had no idea where I was. I had never been in Dally's room at bucks. Dally came in with a glass of water. "Oh. You're awake doll. How bout we get you cleaned up." he said. I'd never seen Dally actually care about someone. Sure he'd beat people up for me but he liked to fight. "Thanks Dal." I said. "Wait. Where's my jacket?" I asked. "Oh um I threw it over there. It had some cuts in it and there was blood all over, from your arm." he said. I stared in the corner at my blood covered, cut up, old leather jacket. I had a lot of stuff from my mom but that jacket sure was my favorite. Just thinking about socs made me mad. Next time I saw Randy I would surely punch him. I don't care about the consequences. He even punched his own cousin.

~Dally's Pov~

I went to get some peroxide and bandages for y/n's cuts. Those socs got her bad. Why does she always have to get involved. She can't stay away from trouble. I'm pretty sure she's on bad terms with all her brothers now too. Maybe not Soda. But if I were Soda I wouldn't like my best friend's ex. Although it was kind of my fault they broke up. 

When I came back into the room I saw y/n just sitting on the bed staring into space. She does that a lot. "Y/n. We're gonna have to get you cleaned up now." I said. "Alright." she said.

I walked over to her and carefully grabbed her arm so I could clean the cut with peroxide. "This is gonna hurt a bit ok?" I said. I knew it would hurt. Especially since the cuts were so fresh. "Ok...Thanks for helpin me Dal." she said. As I applied the peroxide she winced and grabbed my other hand. It's only gonna hurt worse from here. 


When I finished cleaning her cuts I wrapped her arm in the bandage and she looked so tired. "So what exactly happened with you and Darry?" I asked. "Just doesn't trust me on my own that's all. And I guess I proved him right." she said "He trusts you. Just doesn't want ya getting hurt." I said. Darry was protective but he meant well. He was just extra hard on her because she was his only sister. "I guess." she said while laying down. She looked like she could fall asleep right there. "I kinda told him to f off." she said. That took some nerve. Even I wouldn't say that to Darry. Unless I had a good reason. Darry isn't the kind of person you tell to fuck off.

 "How about you get some rest doll. Want me to call Darry and tell him you're ok and here?" I asked. "No. I don't want him knowing where I am. If you call him, make up some lies." she said. She was clearly committed to this argument with Darry. 

I went to the phone and called Darry. "Hey darry, I saw y/n in town. I just wanted to let ya know shes okay and decided to go with a couple of friends to their house." I said. "Dallas? Thanks. I was quite worried about her." Darry said. It got quiet so I just hung up. I didn't really care if he had anything else to say. I got my point across. 

When I came back upstairs y/n was asleep like a baby. She looked perfect when she slept. Hell, she looked perfect all the time. I would never date her though. 

I felt bad when I told her that but she had Steve anyways. I couldn't love anyone. So I'd feel bad being with her. She didn't like me anyways. She hated me. 

I stopped myself from laying next to her. I wasn't getting myself into that again. I looked at her leather jacket. The one she was looking at earlier. It always looked a bit old and beat up but never this bad. I picked it up. It was still damp from the blood. There was a slightly ripped fabric tag next to the collar. It had Permanent marker initials. LC. What is LC? 

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