Kiss - 7

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When we finished our ice creams we waited for our clothes to be drysih then we walked back the to Cameron house, and sat on the sofa on other side, opposite sides to Wheezie. We watch M3GAN, as it was already on, I curl up next to Rafe and lean my head on his shoulder and watch. When is comes to the scary part I turned my head into Rafes shoulder and closed my eyes, he laughed "Shut up I don't like horror" I say as i lightly hit him, "Oww, I didn't say anything" he kisses the top of my head and rubs my back.

Rafe gets up from the sofa and heads to the kitchen, "you two are a good couple" Wheezie says to me, "We're not dating, we're just friends". "That's what they all say, ask him out you can tell he likes you the way he looks at you and the way he acts when your around." Wheezie replies. He walks back with two waters and a Pepsi, he hands the Pepsi to Wheezie she says thankyou and he puts our waters on the table. "What are you guys talking about?" "Wheezie has a crush from her school I told her to talk to him" I say with a grin. "Oh ok can you put on modern family or something Wheez this is a bit boring" she did as he said.

A few episodes in I get a message from my uncle

When are you coming back?
your Aunt and I are worried
about you hanging with
that Cameron boy all day.

Don't worry I'm just
about to leave, see you
soon. Love you xx

"Rafe can you drop me home please" i say with puppy eyes as I sit up and look at him. He huffs "Fine". I go upstairs and grab your dress and bag, I run back down the stairs and out the door, Rafes sitting in his car on his phone I open the door and sit down. "You got everything?" He says. "Yes I do I have my shoes my phone and my dress and my bag." He pulls away from the house and drives to yours it's about a 5 minute drive, he pulls up and puts the hand break on. "We're here", I unclip my seatbelt and scramble my things together I look up at Rafe to say bye, he kisses me on the lips and pulls away you kiss him back this time its more passionate,[tongue], he holds the side of my face with one of his hands and I held the back of his neck and move my hands through his hair. I pull away "Umm bye talk to you later" I say, "Bye, text me" he replies. I get out of his car and walk into the house.

When I walk in my aunt comes up to me, "we were worried sick about you, Kiara said that she saw you at the start of the party and she didn't see you after that we thought you had ran off with someone." I look down "you don't have to worry Anna I stayed at the Cameron house and I got looked after by Rafe he kept a close eye on me."  She hugs me "Go have a shower please you smell the alcohol and sea water" I chuckle and walk up the stairs to my room. I pass Kiara on the way "You looked happy with Rafe this morning" she says smug, "Yeah I did he's actually a pretty good person. You need to give him a chance he's literally the same as the people you hang around with he just has more money in his family.", "You act like everything is different when you've moved, your still a child with no parents and your still poor. Just because you moved into this house it doesn't make you better than them!!" She shouts in my face and stomps down the stairs.

I run into my bedroom with tears in my eyes and shut my bedroom door and slide down it and sit on the floor I cry into my dress and bag which is still in my arms. I couldn't believe Kiara brought up my parents after everything I've gone through in this last month. I hear Kiara giggling and a male voice it was JJs they were coming up the stairs, "JayJ you coming?" Kiara says, "Yeah let me just tie my lace reall quick" there's a knock at my door "Hey, Y/N you alright. Hey come on open the door." JJ says in a calming voice. I stand up and and put my stuff on the floor, I open the door. "Hey, hey, hey, what's up" he holds my arm. "My parents, I just miss them so much." I ball out in tears. JJ pulls me in for a hug "it's gonna get better Y/N don't worry" he holds my face, "if you ever want to talk you can call me, give me your phone I'll put in my number and you can text any time" I grab my phone, unlock it and give it to him he types in his number and passes me my phone back. "Thankyou Jay", "No problem here if you feel real bad you can smoke this" he passes me a joint half smoked but its been put out. "I've got more where that came from" he winks at me and walks to Kies room.

Hope this was a good chapter half the size of the other ones but I hope this is good!

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