Service - 14

845 7 0

2 months later

You and Rafe have been dating for about a month and a half now. He asked you out during a lunch along the beach, you should've known it was coming.

You and the pogues are sitting in the château, sat in the porch area. "I still can't believe your dating my brother." Sarah says out of the blue. "Yeah you know it is how it is" you reply. "I mean a Kook and a pogue who would've thought" John B and Sarah look at JJ, "you know what I mean it's Rafe he's different". "So have you guys done it yet?" Kie jumps in. "Done what?" You question "the deed, the devils tango, sex for Christ sake" Sarah gags at kies sentence. "Kie no I don't want to know if they have he's my brother" you look at Sarah "No we haven't, we've been close but either someone interrupts us, or I just didn't feel ready".

"Have you seen it?" Kie asks. "I think I'm going to be sick" Sarah says as she walks out, John B and Pope follows. "Your too intrusive Kie" JJ says to her. "Why do you want to know Kie huh?, your dating JJ aren't you" she slumps in her chair and JJ walks over and sits on the arm of the chair. "I'm just interested", "No I haven't the close that we've gotten is in just our underwear and I have seen him in a towel and he's seen me in one. Before we started dating I saw him in a towel with wet hair and water dripping down into his abs" you say as you start daydreaming.

"Are you guys done?" Pope peeks his head round the door. You all laugh and say yeah. Everyone sits back down "anyone want lunch?" You say. "Pizza!" JJ shouts. Everyone agrees "pizza it is then". You order it "10 minutes, guys I have to go I have a shift at the country club, I'll see you later" you stand up and hug everyone, you kiss JJ on the cheek and Pope as they are like brothers to you. "So your not even staying for lunch?" John B says. "Nahh my treat I haven't been with you guys in ages, plus I have traumatised Sarah today" you get on your motorbike [well it's Rafes but you borrowed it] and you go off to the club.

You walk in "your late!" Your boss says. "Traffic" you reply with a grin on your face. You start working you serve and get food and drink orders. You walk out and you notice a familiar blonde and his friends sit down, you walk over to them "what can I get you Mr Cameron" you smile at him. "Can I get cesare salad and a diet coke please with ice" he smiles at you back. "Yeah anything else for you boys", Topper looks at you "yeah could I get a steak aswell and just a water" you write it down "Kelce?" He looks at the menu "um could I just get a coke" you nod "anything else?" They all shake their heads, you walk away and Rafe follows he stops you.

"Hey", "Hey im working right now maybe later, my boss is mad at me because I arrived late." Your boss walks out of the kitchen "Mr Cameron is everything alright, did she get your order wrong?" He looks at you "no, no I just forgot to add something, could you add a whiskey and a steak my fathers coming shortly" you write it down "yes sure thing, we'll have your food out as quickly as possible" your boss walks away. "I'll leave you to it then" Rafe says as he kisses you on the forehead.

You head out of the kitchen with the boys drinks and Ward is sitting with them. "There you go, Mr Cameron I will get your whiskey soon, is it on the rocks or not" he smiles "on the rocks, you don't have to call me Mr Cameron we've gone over this so many times y/n" you go red in the face "I'm sorry force of habit when you work in a place like this and thankyou for getting me this job it's helped me a lot" you walk away to get Wards whiskey, you come back "food should he about 5 minutes". Rafe looks at you "that's taken a long time for some salads and a steak" he said jokingly to you. "It's been busy" you touch his shoulder when you walk away

Rafes POV

I look at y/n when she walks away to serve some other people. "So you guys are going well" my father says to me "yeah we've been alright, with everything that's happened to her she's settled in well with me" I reply. "Isn't she like 4 years younger than you though Rafe?" Topper says as he sips on his drink. "Well yeah she is turning 17 in a week, but that's not the point Topper. I love her she loves me" there's footsteps coming towards us. "Your food boys" yn sets down 2 plates "ill be back with the other two" she walks off. "Just shut up Topper your just upset because Sarah left you again for John B" I scoff. "Here you go if you need anything else just signal me and I'll be right over" y/n says as she hands me and my father our food. She walks off and speaks to the bartender.

We eat our food and I go over to her. "Could I have our check please Miss" she smiles and hands us our bill on the other side of the bar "thankyou" she holds my hand "Hey I get off in 20 can you wait" I nod at her and she smiles at me. I go back to my table, we have a discussion on who would pay the bill. My father like always paid y/n comes over to us and my father hands her the bill and a credit card she scans it and hands it back to him "your all set gentlemen have a wonderful day" she walks away.


I walk away from Rafes table, I can hear them laughing. "Y/n [I turn around and it's Ward], here are the keys to our family beach house feel free for you and Rafe to stay there for a couple days it doesn't really get used by us and you could probably use the time away from your family" you smile at him and push his hand away "I'm good Ward but thankyou for offering" he puts the keys in your hand "I insist y/n it would help Rafe if he was away from Wheezie and Sarah for a bit" he puts your hair behind your ear and walks away.

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