Emotions - 11

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This story mentions rape if you are not comfortable please skip.

A few hours later I'm drunk as hell and dancing with people I don't know but it doesn't faze me. You go up to the bar, "No you've had enough, I'm not giving you another, do you have someone to call?" I shake my head I didn't want to call the pogues, Sarah, my aunt or uncle or Rafe. "I'll get you a cab home alright?" He says as he picks up the phone. "No, no its fine ill walk, I'm not that far from home" he hands me the card back "have a safe journey home" I stumble out the door and start to walk home, I notice some guy follow me I didn't think anything of it. He keeps following me so I cross the road to go the other way but he walks infront of me.

He strokes the side of my face "you seem lost, you want help", I take his hand off my face "I'm good now if you excuse me I need to go". He pushes me into the wall "don't talk to me like that, you were all over me a second ago". He starts pulling my dress up. "Get off of me let me go!" I start screaming "GET OFF LET ME GO!" I start crying. "NOO!!" I trying getting him off of me but he grips harder. Her pulls down my underwear and he undoes his belt, he starts kissing my neck. He grabs a hold of my neck and starts choking me, while he pulls down his trousers, he starts thrusting against me. I'm still trying to push him away, and trying to breath. The road was empty so no-one was seeing what was happening. When he let's go of my neck I scream "HELP ME PLEASE, STOPPP!" A sound of a dirt or motorbike was coming I couldn't tell in what direction. The head light comes into view and someone shouts "Hey get off of her!" The guy comes into view and it's JJ. He starts punching the guy I'm there sat up against the wall crying while JJ is punching the shit out of some guy.

After five minutes this guy has a bloody face and a few broken teeth and ribs, he scrambles to his feet, pulls up his boxers and trouser and runs away. JJ kneels next to me and touches me I flinch "Hey,hey,hey its ok cupcake your alright its just me JJ" I look at him I wipe my tears and rub eyes, I hug him "I tried to get him off of me I swear I did but he just didn't stop". "I know I know you did" he shushes me and rubs my hair. "Do you want me to take you home?" he says . I shake my head "Can you take me to Rafes please." I get on his bike and hold onto him as he drives us to Rafes house, All the lights are off, I feel bad knocking on the door as late as it is but I didn't want to go home. I knock and Rafe answers surprisingly. JJ left so I was alone. I start crying trying to get the words out of my mouth "some guy came u-up to me and he-he did stuff to me can I stay with you please I don't want to go home" I cry into his arms, "yeah yeah course" we go in and Rafe leads me towards the kitchen, he sits me down and grabs me a glass of water he kneels infront of me "Y/N drink this" I drink the water and I walk up the stairs with Rafe.

He leads me into the guest bedroom and to the bathroom and I sit on the toilet, he grabs a flannel and puts warm water on it, he wipes my makeup off and walks me to the bed. I take off my shoes and sit down. "Right ill leave you to it Y/N, get a good night's sleep". He walks to the door, "Rafe can you stay with me please I don't think I can sleep otherwise." I look at him. "Yeah, yeah sure he walks over to the other side of the bed he takes his shoes off and lays down. I lay down on his chest, and have one leg on his and I fall asleep and so does he.

In the morning and my body hurts, I wake up to find Rafe not in the bed and not in the bathroom, I walk down the hall to his bedroom I knock and open the door he's not in there either. I go down the stairs to find him in the kitchen and the rest of his family sitting at the dining room table, I ignore their stares and looks and walk over to rafe who is cooking us both breakfast I sit at the counter infront of Rafe. "Hey how'd you sleep?" He smiles. "Well surprisingly" I say with my head down. Sarah walks over to me and Rafe "Hey he told me what happened this morning you alright?" She rubs my shoulder I just nod, "you can borrow some of my clothes ok?"

I finish breakfast and go to Sarah's room and get changed in the bathroom when I look in the mirror I could tell why everyone was looking at you. I had Hickeys on my neck and a hand mark as well I start to tear but stop myself from crying. I walk downstairs with Sarah and I could hear Ward and Rafe shouting at eachother

"No I didnt sleep with her dad"
"I swear to you dad, she came to the house lat last night crying I let her in I lead her to the guest room and I let her sleep on me that's all we did sleep in the same bed. I didn't lay a finger in her" he says in defence.

I walk round the corner. "Sarah's going to walk me home, thankyou for letting me in last night" I hold my hands together and turn and walk home with Sarah. Rafe runs up to us, "Sarah I have it from here you can go home" she walks the other way "do you want to talk to me about it or too soon?". "I um ill try, I was mad about what Rose said so I went to the bar down the street I had too many drinks and when I walked out he followed me and he grabbed me, I tried to stop him but he wouldn't let go, he raped me" I start crying but continue "JJ was in the area and he punched the hell out of him and he took me to your house". We get to my house "do you want to me to walk you in" I shake my head, I walk in my house and Anna, kiara comes running to me. "I was so worried about you when you didn't come home" Anna says. "JJ came over last night and told us what happened, are you alright?" . "No I need to take a shower." Anna stops me "I know that is what you want to do right now but we need to take you to the sherriffs station so they can find the guy." I shake my head "No, no I don't want to do that. They'll have me down there all day, they'll make me take a rape kit and I don't want to do that".. "you won't have to do that if you don't want to" Kiara says comforting me.

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