New feeling

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Worst day of the week if you ask me.

I wanna skip today, maybe i can it's not that bad it's only a day not a week. Yeah I'm gonna skip. I'm gonna ask some of my Friends to join me. They're not in the same school as me so it's hard to see them, but they're always ready to skip class with me.

Y/n🎧: GUYSS!!

Jinni🖤: What is it Y/n?


Y/n🎧: I'm to lazy to go to school today wanna skip?

Garam🌊: I'm so down!!

Jinni🖤: Yeah me too it as been so long since we last seen each other.

Y/n🎧: Let's meet outside the coffee shop near my school.

Jinni🖤: Okay, see ya

Garam🌊: Bye

Y/n🎧: 👋

I get dress up and leave my house, on my way to the coffee shop i see Danielle, it looks like she's waiting, is she waiting for me? I she know that I'm skipping she's gonna kill me. Um..

Y/n🎧: Hey Danielle don't wait for me i'm sick i can't go ti school.

Danielle☀️: Aww poor you I'll visit you after school then, relax alright?

Y/n🎧: I will, have a nice day!

Danielle☀️: 🤞

I turn off my phone and look back at her seeing her walking away i wait a bit, when she's far enough i follow her.

I arrive at the coffee shop and wait for my friends, those two know everything about me, but i need to tell them about Newjeans, i have those strange feelings toward them and i need their help to figure it out. I wait a bit more until i see those black hair and bang i missed.

Jinni: Hey Y/n, girl!! How are you?

Y/n: I'm good, what about you?

Jinni: Good too, Garam should be here any minute.

Y/n: I need to tell the both of you something actually.

Jinni: Must be important.

Garam: Hey guys!

We entered the cafe, and talked a bit before i tell them about Newjeans.

Jinni: So Y/n what did you wanna talk about?

Y/n: So um, it's just some girls at my school, they're 5 and well one of them hate me, but that's not the point, i just have weird feelings toward them that i can't explain, so i was hoping on you two to help me figure everything out.

Garam: Tell us about them and how do you feel, even if you can't understand it just describe it okay.

Y/n: Okay so their name are, Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin and Hyein, they're all dating, and i am friend with four of them Hanni hate me for reason i don't really know but well. So whenever i talk to one of them or all of them, there's nothing else, just thinking about them make me feel good, they all have their own personality very different from other people i've met, and they all have their own charms, i just don't know what all of that mean I'm confused.

Jinni: You definitely love them.

Garam: I agree with Jinni.

Y/n: No i can't love them, one of them hate me and well i am not good enough, and their couple doesn't need another person, and i think i still love Sullyoon.

Garam: You sure about Sullyoon?

Y/n: No, i didn't felt anything for her, for the past week.

Jinni: And you met those girls when?

Y/n: Last week...

At that moment it touched me, am i in love with them? No i can't, i don't want to, they don't need me i am worthless. I should probably just kill myself. No that maybe a bit to much. But still i can't love them, they don't like me back anyway.

I just like them because they're nice I'm surely not in love with any or all of them. It's just because they're new people into my life. But the feelings i have for them are completely new.

That's why it can't be love i have been i love before and i know how it feels, it feels like being stepped on by bulls. It's horrible well at least that how love was with my ex. But people often say that love is the best feeling a human can express.

I am lost, i don't know what to do. If i really love them then what they're gonna reject me anyway and it's not like i would have the balls to actually ask them out. And they're already happy without me.

Garam: Y/n you know it's okay to love someone who don't love you back it just hurt.

Jinni: Yeah it's best when the other like you back, but if you do love those girls then you and i are on the same boat. Since i like Sullyoon too, but she clearly like y-

Garam elbowed jinni.

Garam: Don't listen to her Y/n.  The only advice i can give you is to follow your heart. And if it doesn't work we're here for you always you can count on us.

Y/n: Thank you so much Garam you are the best.

Jinni: Hey I'm here too.

Y/n: Sorry you're the best too.

We talked until i realized the time Danielle last class will end in 2minutes fuck i need to go.

Y/n: Guys i'm sorry but i need to go, I'm supposed to be sick, so one of my classmates is coming to "take care" of me.

Jinni: Well it was good seeing you again.

Garam: Yeah we should do it again sometimes.

Y/n: Bye.

I ran out and run back to my house. 10meters away from my house i see 5people infront of my door. Fuck.. What are they doing here and why is Hanni here too. What do i do now. I think being honest is the best option.

Y/n: Hey guys what are you doing here?
I asked when i'm close enough.

Danielle: What are you doing out? We have been here for 30 minutes already.

Minji: Yeah where were you we have knocked but no one opened the door.

Y/n: Haewon is out for the night that's why. And I'm out because i went out to buy medicine. But what are you all doing here?

Haerin: Danielle told us you were sick so we came to check up on you too.

Y/n: Wanna come in?

Minji: Yes please.

I opened the door and they all came inside. Expect Hanni.

Y/n: Are you not coming in?

Hanni: I know you're not sick Y/n, you skipped, you lied to them.

Y/n: Why would j do that they're my friends.

Hanni: Whatever you say, i saw you at the coffee when we passed it on our way,i won't say anything because i know how scary Danielle can be but you own me something.

Y/n: I'll do anything.

Hanni: I just wanna have a serious talk with you, not when I'm drunk, i just wanna talk seriously with you and figure somethings out.

Y/n: Yeah no problem but for that you need to come in.

Why me?( Newjeans x fem reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat