Delicious water

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\Y/n's pov/

Me: So what did you wanted to tell me earlier?

They turned the light we put into the fort on before looking among themselves.

They seemed to decide if they should tell me now or not.

Me: Hey it's okay if you don't want to tell me as long as you're comfortable.

Again I felt a bit ignored since they didn't respond but instead kept on talking with their eyes.

Me: Um I'm gonna go grab myself a glass of water..

I stood up and leaved the fort. But my curiosity got the best out of me, because I just pretended to get out by closing my bedroom door. I kept silent waiting for them to say something.

Danielle: What do we tell her now?

Hanni: I don't know be honest with her?

Minji: Well with everything that just happened I don't know...

A silence fell over them.

Hyein: Hanni? Do her lips really feels that good?

Hanni: What kind of question is that? Of course they do!

Haerin: Guys let's focus on the situation at hands right now, we need to tell her something she didn't go grab water for nothing you know, she was probably feeling uncomfortable because we didn't respond her.

Minji: Haerin is right let's focus.

Danielle: When is she coming back I miss her scent.

Hanni: Yeah.. Why do she take so long to grab a glass of water it's not like the kitchen was a mile away..

I really don't know what to think.. what are they hiding from me and why were they talking about my lips?..  I need answers, but if they don't want to tell me it's their choices.

I pretended to come back in the room and entered the fort again.

They all looked at me, with those eyes I fell in love with. I finally found my light. Every time I look at them I feel like everything just doesn't exist anymore, it might sound cliché but that's true. I have never been so in live with anyone. They mean so much more to me then they'll ever know. I wanna do things with them, I have never even considered before why am I so in love with girls that are already in a relationship. This is messed up, should I give up... Probably it's not like I have any chance anyway.

I looked up at them after zoning out and they were still all looking at me.

Minji: Sit down Y/n, the thing we want to say is important..

I sat down in front of all of them and waited for them to continue.

Danielle: So.. as you know we're all dating, but there's one thing that you don't know..

Haerin: Our hearts are not sealed yet, there's a missing piece to complete the puzzle that are out hearts.

Hyein: The piece that complete all of us perfectly without even doing anything.

Hanni: The piece that made us feel amazing everything we just even through about her.

Minji: The piece that could break us into a thousand of them if she ever decided to hurt us.

Confused would be an understatement to describe how I felt right now, I really don't understand what this had to do with me. Why is it important to me.

Me: I don't understand.

Danielle: Y/n, will you be our missing piece.

Me? Their missing piece, they're joking right? Why me? I'm pathetic and useless.. I really don't understand are they playing me? Is this some kind of prank? Ah I don't know what to do..

Hyein: What so you say Y/n?

I looked at all of them trying to figure out if they were joking or not but I couldn't see any type of emotion in there eyes expect love.

Love? For me? Am I really the one they're looking at?

Minji: Please Y/n give us an answer..

Y/n: I-

My throat stopped me from responding. My body took full control and I couldn't respond their questions.

Hanni: Take your time to think we're not in a rush.

She placed one strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled at me softly. Fuck. This is to much for me. I can feel my body going limb. No, It's not the time to faint not now.

I fought all the part of my body that wanted to make me faint.

Danielle: Is everything okay you're really pale.

Me: I- I what d-did you mean b-by missing piece?

I tried my best to form a sentence still fighting with my body..

Minji: You don't look okay Y/n take a rest for a moment okay?

Me: No n-no answer me please, w-what did you mean b-by that?

Hyein: We meant that we want you Y/n..

Want me? In which way?

Me: Want me? What do you mean?

They all looked at each other again.

Danielle: We love you Y/n.

Love me? No way? They can't want me? Like Yuma said before I'm the worst lover in the whole world.. And why me?

Me: YOU, love me? No way why?

Hanni: Sometimes love fall upon you without knowing why..

Minji: All we know is that we love you.

Hyein: We need you with us Y/n.

Haerin: Do you love us back?

Yes! Yes I do!. This is what I would've said if I wasn't a coward instead I just kept looking at their pretty faces.

What did I do to deserve them. They're too good for me.. I am nothing compared to them.

Hanni: Y/n what do you say? Do you love us back?

Y/n: I- uhhhhh ye- I um may- hmm prob- I-

I didn't know what to say all I knew was that I wanted to run away and jump out of joy.

Danielle: Take a deep breath it's okay any answer would be okay.

She smiled warmly making me feel a little more comfortable.

Haerin: Danielle is right whatever you say we'll still always be here for you.

Hyein: You can always count on us!

Minji: Yeah Y/n don't worry about us think about yourself first.

Hanni: Tell us what you really feel for us.

I felt like I was about to cry no one had ever been nice to me before. All I know is that I'm falling for them even more right now.

Me: I love you girls too..

I mumbled my response almost audibly.

Hanni: You do!!

Minji: What? Does she do?

Haerin: She love us back old hag.

Danielle: Really?!

Hyein: You don't know how happy I am right now!!

I was looking down at the mattress I was on, when I felt their arms wrap around me in a living manner.

Hanni being Hanni, she kissed me once again this time nothing stopping me. I pulled her closer to me and we started to kiss each other more passionately. Until well we remembered the other were still here when they pretended to cough.

Me: So um are we like dating now?

\author note/

I'll stop here for now I'll restart to write a bit from now on so you'll maybe have another chapter tomorrow

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