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I entered my room.

And what I found was well unexpected.

The girls were singing. It was actually perfect. I fell in love once again.

They were all looking at me while singing. I probably looked red by now. Those girls really don't know the power they have on me. I'm so down bad for them. AAAHHH THIS IS AWFUL. What should I do?! I don't know this is to much for me. My brain can't work anymore.

???: Y/N!!!

Y/n: Yeah?

I looked at them and it seems like they stopped singing.

Hyein: Can you sing us something?

Y/n: Uh I don't know I'm not a real good singer.

Haerin: Liar.

Y/n: I don't even know what to sing anyway.

Danielle: Let us choose for you.

I nodded slowly still obviously ready to follow any of this girls orders.

Minji: Sing I'm yours by Isabel Larosa.

Y/n: What?!

Hanni: Do it.

Y/n: Why that song tho?

Haerin: We just felt like hearing it.

Y/n: Um okay then.

I was somehow embarrassed to sing that in front of the girls. This song is somehow really explicit for the situation I'm in. I actually think it went well my voice wasn't perfect but it was still good enough.

Minji: Well well well, you actually sing pretty good.

Danielle: It was perfect.

They all looked at each other and Haerin tried to whisper them something. I heard it tho.

Haerin: Do we tell her?

\Hyein's pov/

When Y/n got out of the pool we all went out too. We went back to her room to dry up a bit. While we were doing so the door opened but closed instantly after.

Minji: So um, I- think we should talk about Y/n.

Hanni: What about her?

Danielle: Yeah?

Haerin: Oh I see what you're talking about Minji I actually think the same too.

I'm lost what are they talking about. What do I think about Y/n, well she's nice, pretty, funny, awesome, sweet, a good dancer, she's pretty fit, uh I don't know what else. She is intelligent. She's rich too. But that's Y/n. I don't know what else about her. She makes me feel special like Haerin does, she make me laugh like Hanni does, she makes me happy when I'm down like Danielle, she care for me like Minji. She's like perfect, a combination of what I love the most. Does that mean I love her too? Nah. I don't think I do I just enjoy spending time with her that's all, she's just my perfect friend, yeah that's it, nothing more.

Danielle: I still don't get what you two are talking about.

Minji: Oh come on Dani baby think I actually think it's pretty obvious for all of us.

Hanni: Oh.. I know y'all know I kissed Y/n don't you?

Haerin: It's not that, WAIT WHAT?!

Minji: Tou kissed Y/n?

Danielle: When?

The hell is happening the conversation is going to fast for me damn I don't even know what we're talking about anymore.

Hanni: I didn't say anything.

Minji: How could you be faster then me when you literally hated her not that long ago??

Danielle: That is not the problem Minji.

Haerin: How did it happened tho? I'm kinda curious.

Hanni: Well when we went upstairs to change here fell on top of her and kissed her.. accidentally, yeah it was an incident.

So Hanni kissed Y/n and they doesn't seem to care.

Minji: Can I say something?

We all nodded.

Minji: I think I love Y/n.

Haerin: Well I guess me too.

Danielle: I actually don't know this is really confusing. I guess I enjoy spending time with her.

Minji: Dani you already treat her as one of us.

Danielle: No I don't I just care for her.

Minji: You said the same when we started dating.

Hanni: Actually Y/n's lips were really soft.

Haerin: It's really not the time Hanni.

Hanni: She wanted to state a fact that all.

Minji: So Danielle be honest how dk you feel about Y/n?

Danielle: If you two love her then i think that I can actually be honest and say that I love her too but could we make that work?

Minji: Well we managed to make us work so J don't see why not.

Danielle: Guess you're right.

Minji: Hyein you didn't say much what are you thinking about?

Hyein: I uh I don't know isn't it a bit fast we don't even know her feelings. And I'm still not sure aboht how i feel.

They all hugged me. Well except Hanni who was lazily lying on the floor looking at the ceiling.

Minji: It's okay Hyein you'll figure it out and if in the end it's negative we'll find a way to make it work.

Hyein: Thank you all so much. But I think even if i don't love as much as I love y'all I still love her more than a friend.

Danielle: Really?

Hyein: Yeah.

Haerin: So should we tell Y/n?

Minji: Yes!!

Hanni: If I can taste her lips once again I'm down.

Danielle: Hanni later.

Hanni giggled and we all looked at her.

A knock on the door was heard. Hanni got up and went to the door. The girls and I decided to sing, we played one of our hand made song. We love this song so much. Hanni come back in and sing with us, a little moment later Y/n came in as well.
We were are focused on Y/n while singing I don't really know why it came automatically. We ended up the song and asked Y/n to sing on for us. We regrouped to think about it.

Danielle: What do we make her sing?

Haerin: Worship?

Minji: I don't know it could be embarrassing to sing even in front of people you know.

Hanni: How about sure thing?

Hyein: It's so simple.

Danielle: Oh I know I'm yours!!

Minji: Yeah!

We all agreed for this one and Y/n was a little reticent to do it at first. But she still did it. And it's in those type of moment I realized I really am in love with her.

She seemed really embarrassed while singing tho.

We complimented her and Haerin looked at us whispering "Do we tell her?"

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