Arrest and cuddle

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\Haerin's pov/

We all looked at each other, trying to guess what was happening.

Minji: That was Y/n's voice.

Hyein: Should we go find her?

Danielle: Well obviously when someone shout help like that it's not for fun.

We all got up and went out of Y/n's room. We walked through the corridor listening to each door. We arrived at the door at the end of the corridor we put our hears on it and see if there's any noise coming out of it.

???: Get off of me!

That was Y/n. Her voice is so recognizable.

Hanni: What do we do??

She whispered.

Minji: Let's just go in Y/n doesn't really seem to be happy there.

We all nodded and Hyein opened the door. We all came in without doing any noise and what we saw actually shocked me but excited me a bit too. Well I mean Y/n was shirtless and there was a girl on top of her, and I'm just an human. The sight was really something I could get used to if it wasn't Yuna on top of her.

Y/n noticed us but make it look like she didn't so Yuna wouldn't turn around. We all looked among us and talked with our eyes about what to do. Well that didn't really work and Minji just came whispering to us the plan one by one.

So if I got it right me and Minji take Yuna off of Y/n and pin her to the floor. While we're pinning her down Danielle and Hanni take care of Y/n, and Hyein go grab Haewon and finally we call the cops for harassment I guess. I'm not sure about this plan but hey we need to do something and quick. Y/n doesn't seem to enjoy it at all not even a little.

We all nodded again and Hyein went out of the room quietly. Minji and I prepared ourselves and when we thought it was time we grabbed Yuna by her waist harshly causing her to fall to the floor. Minji and I pinned her whole body down restraining all her movements.

Danielle and Hanni went to Y/n and hugged her telling her everything would be okay and that they were here.

Shortly after Hyein came back with Haewon following right behind her, when Haewon entered her room and saw the state her little sister was in, I think she lost it, I've never seen someone this angry before. She got her phone from her back pocket and called the cops immediately.

Hyein gave Y/n a shirt she grabbed on the way back. Why?! No.!! I love her but why Hyein why would you do that to me?!

Like 20mins later we hears sirens from outside Minji and I got up lifting Yuna up too but we still held her in place. We maintained her in place even tho we were struggling a bit she kept moving around trying to get out of our grip.

Haewon went out the room and ran downstairs we followed her holding onto Yuna tightly. When we got out of the house an officer gritted us. We explained to him what we knew since Y/n stayed upstairs still shocked the only one that stayed with her was Hanni. Danielle came with us because Y/n explained her what happened a bit.

The officer said her couldn't do anything without proof but he also said that he will put Yuna in Jail temporarily until they get more informations.

We all went back to Haewon's room well expect for Haewon she went to tell her firneds what happened. When we opened the door there was no one. Where did they go? Did they go back
to Y/n's room? Yeah probably.

Why me?( Newjeans x fem reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat