Meeting you

318 22 8

\Y/n's pov/

I think the shock on my face was visible because she chuckled.

"You missed me that much?"

She chuckled again before smiling warmly.

"Well anyway even if you didn't I did. I missed you."

She held my hand while smiling at me.

I felt lost.

I thought she left.

I thought she'd never come back.

I thought...

"Y/n.. I think we need to talk."

I looked up at her again, her expression showing me how nervous she was.

She sat closer to me.

I wanted to talk but my words were caught in my throat.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk at least just listen to me."

I nodded slowly.

"Alright so.."

"You remember all this years ago when I told you I'd never come back, for reason I can't explain even right now."

I nodded again.

" back then I wanted to say that.. I loved you."

I started talking but she cut me off.

"Let me finish."

I frowned but let her continue.

"And I still do."

Confusion clear on my face.


In love with me?

But we haven't seen each other in what 8 years.

We were around 12 or something.

We were just friends nothing more and we weren't really close.


I looked at her again my focus fully on her for the time being.

"Can you say my name? I need to hear it from you."

I hesitated before opening my mouth to say the name I never thought I'd mention again.


The name fell so smoothly out of my mouth.

The warm smile that appeared on her face was heavenly.

Before I could even do something tears were rolling down my cheeks once again.

"Aww why are you crying?"

She tried her best to make me stop but nothing worked.

I never realized how much I missed her.

I hugged her, hugged her so tight I think I heard a small wince coming from her.

After some time I let go of the hug.

"Sorry. That was uncalled for."

A small chuckle made me snap my head back at her.

"You didn't change.. you're still the same old Y/n I know."

I smiled at her words.

No one ever made me feel like Natty does.

"So.. how have you been."

She thought for a bit.

"Nothing much you know mostly just school. I made new friends. Huh what else.. I live with them. I tried to have a boyfriend but I didn't work out so we broke up. But other than that.. It was really just school."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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