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Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.

Stand by me by ASDadore is starting and I pray to Allah that everything goes smoothly, educative, and fun. The setting is in the states and Pakistan but the specific location is not mentioned. Our characters are going to develop as the story goes on and in sha Allah, you are going to enjoy it. The book cover isn't permanent and In sha Allah, a better one will be there.

ASD adore adores her readers😘


Warning: The scene is fiction and crucial to the book. Not supported by the author at all!

Success, fame, and riches are what built his life and everything else was in the void. Alfred got through challenges to have one of the best companies under his name. As years passed, his parents got worried that their son's love life was blank and started pestering him to find a woman. Even with his reluctance, fate had a different place when he met Farah. It wasn't Alfred's plan to fall in love with a Muslim woman but the issues of the heart were unpredictable.

Even with all the accusations and refusal from his family, he still got married to Farah, having been so entranced by her beauty and character that he started loving her religion but…

Everything changed when Farah got pregnant. She changed from an angel to a devil. Not only did she become rude to his family but also he and even neglected her religion. Farah would have aborted the baby if not for Alfred's pleading.

There used to be a time when Alfred rushed home with a brilliant smile on his face but it was lost now. Depression clouded his blue eyes whenever he headed back home. He was never at ease leaving his son with that witch.

Today, he came home and immediately heard the baby's voice crying painfully in the room. He rushed in and the baby Joseph was in his crib crying while Farah sat with a headphone blowing bubble gum.

Alfred stumped toward her and snatched the headphones from her head. She gasped and stood up, glaring at him.
"Why do you love entering my business huh?" She hissed.

Alfred pointed at their son unbelievably and stated, "Can't you hear Joseph crying? As his mother, you are busy having fun when he's suffering. Don't you have any compassion for your son?!"

"I heard but decided to ignore him." She said nonchalantly. "I've already told you this, I never wanted this demon you call a child. I was being nice by giving birth to him but I will never take care of him."

Alfred raked his hair and tried reasoning with her. "It's not Joseph's fault, Farah. If you have an issue with me, then punish me but don't punish my son."

"Both of you are my problem! Why did I even agree to marry you in the first place? I must have been possessed." Farah returned and groaned after Joseph cried out again. "Why can't this idiot keep quiet?!"

"That's enough. Stop insulting my son!" Alfred warned pointing dangerously at her.

Farah scoffed and folded her arms. "I will insult him as I want. He's as stupid as his father. I hate him, I don't like seeing him and I regret his being a part of my life. If you don't do something about this, I will kill this demon one day!" She hollered and a resounding slap landed on her face. Farah held her red hot cheek and glared at Alfred.

Alfred clenched his fist and spat. "I thought you were a good person because I believed in our love and your religion but your actions show me that you have no compassion nor love in your heart. A woman that can maltreat her child is worse than the devil himself." He'd been holding back for months from raising his hand on her, enduring all her actions but she's gotten too far. He can't keep up with this toxic relationship.

"You raised your hand on me because of this bastard?" She shouted pointing at Joseph.

"What will you do? Sue me?" He returned unfazed. There was nothing she could do to Alfred Hill with her status.

"Oh really?" She laughed sarcastically and picked up Joseph from the crib.

Alfred's heart immediately skipped as he tried to stop her. "Farah no!!"

Before he reached her, she'd thrown the baby to the couch. Alfred just heard a loud painful cry that pierced his heart before silence filled the room. He didn't stop to watch his wife run away but rushed his son to the hospital.

Farah couldn't escape from him as she was caught and jailed but the damage she did to his son was something he will never forget.

Because of her, he lost trust in Islam and women. How can he trust easily when his heart is torn into pieces mercilessly? It's been four years, but the wound has yet to heal. It will never heal….

Innallaha ma'al sabirin.


Sitting by her bedroom window, gazing at the serene moon being drifted by the night clouds, Ruwaida wished that the moonlight could absorb her problems and her heart be fear-free. She'd seen ghost winds through sleepless nights and always zoned out on hot afternoons. Being away from her sweet daughter, all alone in a foreign place was arduous for her as a mother. It's been four years and now communication between the mother and daughter duo has become less.

"Crying won't solve your problems Ruwaida," a firm hand held her shoulder and her husband sat beside her. Suraj Panhwar was in his fifties with dark brown eyes and a full beard that was streaked with white. He gazed warmly at his wife who was looking older than her age. Her skin was weary and her eyes were dull. Even if it didn't hide her beauty, it pained him to see her in that condition.

Ruwaida sniffed and wiped her face. She didn't even realize that she was crying.
"I haven't spoken to Safiyya in seven days and I'm getting worried. What if something happened to her?"

"Shhhh," Suraj shook his head. "Don't think of anything negative concerning our daughter. Allah watches over her and will always protect her. As her parents, we should always pray for her. So don't worry."

Ruwaida pursed her lips and they stayed quiet for a while.
She finally broke the silence. "Nana banned you from coming to my room, why are you here?"

Suraj felt his heart clench at that statement. The series of incidents that happened in his life was a rollercoaster of fate and destiny. From his political life, painful love story, breaking his wife's heart, watching his daughter being criticized and suppressed, and watching her leave because he can't assist her himself…It wasn't easy but they believe that Allah always watches over them…and he does.

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